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Published February 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a communication facility in Yuma, Arizona. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a communication facility.

The purpose of this statement of work (SOW) is to outline the requirements involved for the installation of priority tower ladders and ladder safety systems (LSS) replacements/installations at five (5) Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Tactical Communications (TACCOM) towers located in the Yuma, Arizona area. Customs and Border Protection currently has five (5) Tactical Communications (TACCOM) in the Yuma, Arizona area that have ladder safety systems that are in need of repair or replacement. These sites are at risk of failure and loss of communication capabilities without the capability of service technicians to safely climb these towers. The Contractor shall provide labor, travel, mobilization activities, tools, materials, equipment, permits/application fees, and expertise necessary to install the ladder safety system (LSS) (to be procured by the contractor) at five (5) Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Tactical Communications (TACCOM) towers located in the Yuma, Arizona area. Contractor shall provide ladders, safety climbing cable, and other necessary auxiliary items and hardware to ensure a successful installation of the LSS. All sites identified herein are located in the Yuma, Arizona CBP Sector and require the installation or replacement climbing ladders and/or LSS. All Sites listed below have a 100-foot tall self-support tower. All installed/repaired ladders shall have 12-inch spacing between rungs and have seven inch stand-offs per OSHA standards. The LSS devices shall be the 3M(TM) DBI-SALA(R) Lad-Saf(TM) Cable Vertical Safety system or equivalent ladder mount safety-climbing device. The FAA can provide site photos upon request along with tower profile diagrams used in structural analysis studies. All materials purchased and installed should conform to OSHA regulations. The contractor will be required for providing a detailed installation plan, as it relates to the repair and replacement of LSS at each identified site. Contractor will be expected to adhere to the proposed installation, as much as possible, and will get FAA/CBP approval for any specific requirements on site configuration, functionality, installation and other information as outlined in the Statement of Work or associated change suggestions to determine feasibility with existing and future operational requirements. Government furnished information will be provided and is referenced in Section 6. All work shall be performed in accordance with local, state, and federal codes and laws. The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits required to successfully complete the work. Contractor shall be responsible for any hazmat and shall have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all chemicals used on site. Contractor shall have proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for employees to perform all aspects within this scope of work. Vendor must restore each site to its original condition upon completion of work. The total project shall be completed within 45 days from NTP. Days not worked due to Government delay will not be counted against the contractor. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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February 10, 2023


Multiple Locations, Yuma, AZ

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