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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Hagerstown, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Move to award the bid for the Pavement Maintenance & Rehabilitation Program FY22 Hot Mix Asphalt Applications contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Craig Paving, Inc. of Hagerstown in the amount of $3,352,970.85 which includes the option to extend the contract for a period of up to two, one-year extensions. ______________________________________________________________________ Individual requiring special accommodations are requested to contact the Washington County Division of Engineering and Construction Management at 240-313-2460 Voice, TDD Dial 711, to make arrangements no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the Pre-Bid Conference and/or Bid Opening. Topic: Pre-Bid Teleconference: Pavement Maintenance & Rehabilitation Program FY'22 - Hot Mix Asphalt Applications (HMA) County Contract No. MS-PMP-297-28 Time: Feb 16, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting,itldlBQZktrZ0JlSWJwZFdPQ,U4yQT09 Meeting ID: 889 9857 8458 Passcode: 999156 One tap mobile +13017158592,,88998578458#,,,,*999156# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,88998578458#,,,,*999156# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 889 9857 8458 Passcode: 999156 Find your local number: Pavement Maintenance & Rehabilitation - Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Applications, Ms-pmp-297-28 This Project Classification is Cost Group Letter "E", $2,500,001 to $5,000,000. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The Contractor shall (within specified tolerances) perform all work in accordance with the lines, grades, typical cross sections, dimensions, and other data shown on the Drawings or as modified by written orders including the furnishing of all materials, implements, machinery, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, labor, and all other things necessary to the satisfactory prosecution and completion of the Project in full compliance with the Contract Documents. The project involves the following Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) preservation and corrective practices including, but not limited to: Preparation work for a separate Chip Seal contract consisting of leveling course applied to roadways specified under the Roadway Listing. Remaining HMA work consists of Crack Filling, Patching, Superpave Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Overlay, Paving Interlayers, Pavement Paint Markings and Thermoplastic Pavement Markings, milling of existing bituminous concrete pavement, cleaning and sealing cracks, cleaning and tacking the existing pavement, adjustments ofwater valves, and manholes, concrete curb and sidewalk repairs, furnish and install nonwoven geotextile for asphalt overlay, placement of shoulder backup material, full and partial depth HMA patching, furnishing and installation ofHMA Superpave surface and base, line striping, and pavement markings as described herein, inclusive of materials, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Hagerstown, MD

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