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Published February 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in West Valley City, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Salt Lake County Contracts and Procurement, on behalf of Library Services invites your company to bid on providing RFID Security gates meeting the minimum specifications listed below and tuned for detection of ISO 15693 RFID tags specific to use in Salt Lake County libraries, all associated detection software, installation services and training which enables Library IT staff to install & troubleshoot the gates. Salt Lake County Library uses 3 different gate configurations across our (18) branches: 4-pedestal (3 pathway) gates, 3-pedestal (2 pathway) gates (most common), 2-pedestal (1 pathway) gates. The library will ensure power is available in an accessible location according to installation requirements and a network line to one end pedestal, all other connections between pedestals must be contained within a threshold to which the pedestals are mounted. Gates must be mounted to a moveable threshold or base and must not be required to be anchored directly to the floor. Gates must be tuned for detection of the specific ISO 15693 RFID tags in use by the library and accurately detect at least 95% of incorrectly checked RFID items in systematic testing by library personnel. Wiring between gates should be contained in the threshold or mounting base. The only required connections to the gates from outside the threshold must be for power and Ethernet. Gate pedestals must be mounted no less than 36" from each other. Software installed on a staff PC at each location displaying item(s) that triggered an alarm. Preference given for solutions with a central application/server which operates over the library network to manage the gates and store data for all gates in the library system. People counting functionality is desirable but NOT required, since the library has an existing solution which is separate from our RFID security gates. Questions shall be submitted through our online solicitation system, Utah Public Procurement Place (UPPP) powered by Jaggaer . Questions are due prior to the question due date and time specified. If a question/answer changes the RFC document, the change will be released in an amendment to the solicitation event. Bidders who have stated their "Intent to Bid" in the UPPP system will receive email notice of questions and amendments. Do NOT contact the Agency, Division, Department, or other County officers or employees. The contract resulting from this solicitation will become effective on the date of execution with a five (5) year term. The County reserves the right to review the contract on a regular basis regarding performance and cost analysis and may negotiate price and service elements during the term of the contract. No minimum or maximum quantity or purchases under this contract can be specified. For information purposes only and not as a guarantee of usage by the County, approximate annual amount under this contract may be $39,000.00. Salt Lake County may award bids and contracts to suppliers through a preference system. Please refer to the preference attachment. Salt Lake County may reject any or all bids if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the County. The County reserves the right to award multiple contracts to the responsive, responsible bidders meeting specifications who bid the lowest overall cost to the County. Purchases will be made based upon the following criteria: Users are to review all supplier price lists, scope of work document and/or brochures for available products and what is covered under this multiple award contract. Users should determine the best value to their organization by requesting detailed quotes from all suppliers that meet the requirements for product availability, location, and compatibility Question Submission Close Date 2/10/2022 1:00 PM MST



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, West Valley City, UT

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