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The Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 21 is seeking Architectural/Engineering Firms to submit Standard Form (SF) 330s for VISN Wide Master Planning and Study Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contracts. The Government contemplates that a minimum of 5 contracts will be awarded as a result of this solicitation. Each contract will be for one basic year with a Government option to extend the term of the contract one year at a time, not to exceed five years total. Total amount for all work under each contract shall not exceed $5 million, the minimum guarantee and task order amount is $2,500 and the maximum task order amount is $1.5 million. The contract(s) will support the following VISN 21, VA Medical Facilities: VA Medical Center San Francisco, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, VA Northern California Health Care System, VA Central California Health Care System, VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, VA Southern Nevada Health Care System, VA Pacific Islands Health Care System, VA Regional Office and Outpatient Clinic (Philippines) and all of their remote facilities. The applicable North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code is 541330, Engineering Services, and the small business size standard is $16.5 Million. Since multiple awards will be made as a result of this announcement, the selection of contractors and placement of task orders shall be consistent with Subpart 36.6. The contract(s) will be for the following services: development of medical facility/healthcare system strategic master and concept plans, life safety evaluation, review and consultation, environmental studies, seismic studies and certifications, Minor and NRM project consultation and assistance services to Medical Centers in preparation of pre-solicitation documents, to include, scope of work preparation (sow), cost estimates, concept drawings, and schedules. Strategic capital master facility and/or VISN wide plans will span a five-to-ten-year lifecycle to include planned or recommended functional changes resulting in Major and Minor construction proposals, significant Non-Recurring Maintenance projects that affect space utilization and any recommended functional relocations. In addition, all recommended significant technical (physical plant) projects or upgrades shall be reflected in the Five-Year Plan. A/E shall prepare site and architectural block or line plans, magnitude cost estimates, analytical, investigative and certification services & reports, attend site visits, validation of clinical program workloads and related data (VA provided or other healthcare market analysis). The contract work requires multiple disciplines. The Prime firm shall be a licensed/registered professional firm. The disciplines required include, but are not limited to: Architectural, Civil, Structural, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Life Safety, Security, IT/Data, Construction Cost Estimating, Landscaping and Geotechnical, SHPO, Hazardous Material and Biological Assessments, Environmental Assessments, and Pre-Solicitation Consulting experience. Specific types of AE services that may be required under this contract include: Planning Services, including the development of project programming, evaluations, site investigations, and cost estimation such as: Facility planning services, including: Project programming and requirements development Conceptual pricing development Development of Alternatives including Economic Analysis Interior Space Planning Design and Collateral Equipment Inventories Facility analysis, including: General condition assessment including code compliance Energy utilization studies Facility life safety code analysis Exterior and interior hazardous material surveys and analysis Site investigation services, including: Geotechnical investigation in support of foundation design and site pavement recommendations Utility location/identification Site access studies including wayfinding and pedestrian corridors Site topographic and property boundary studies, including flood zones and wetlands Environmental soil and ground water sampling and analysis Traffic analysis Storm Drainage analysis/studies This procurement is a total Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) set aside under the Veterans First Contracting program as required by 38 U.S.C. 8127-8128, as implemented under VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) subpart 819.70. The term Service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) under the Veterans First Contracting program has the same meaning as service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern defined in FAR subpart 2.101, except for acquisitions authorized by 38 U.S.C. 8127 and 8128 for the Veterans First Contracting Program. These businesses must be listed as verified in the Vendor Information Pages (VIP) database at in addition to meeting the NAICS code small business size standard to be eligible for award under the Veterans First Contracting Program. All SDVOSB firms that submit Standard Form (SF) 330s must be listed in Veterans Information Page (VIP) as a verified to be considered for this procurement. Offers from unverified SDVOSBs are considered deficient and will not be evaluated further. A firm s status will be verified in VIP at time of receipt of the SF 330, prior to conducting evaluations/interviews/discussions, and prior to award. This set aside process is in keeping with VA Procurement Policy Memorandum 2016-05 Implementation of the Veterans First Contracting Program, FAR Part 19, and the requirements of FAR 36.6 for acquiring Architect-Engineer Services. This notice serves as the Governments call for Standard Form (SF) 330s from interested SDVOSB Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Firms concerns. Firms that meet the requirements described in this announcement are invited to submit one (1) electronic copy of their SF 330 package via e-mail to Charee Harris by 3:00 pm Pacific Time January 28, 2022. SF 330, Part I may be accompanied by any other evidence of experience and capabilities the applicant considers relevant. Part II shall be submitted for each proposed consultant s office involved. The Government will evaluate SF 330 s received in response to this notice to identify at least (5) of the most highly qualified SDVOSB firms to perform the required services. The Government will then hold discussions/interviews with the most highly qualified SDVOSB firms based on the following evaluation factors. The following evaluation criteria, listed in descending factor order of importance and weight, will be used for both the SF 330 evaluation and when conducting discussions/interviews. Sub-factors when combined represent the overall score for the factor. SELECTION CRITERIA: Firms responding to this synopsis will be evaluated to determine the most highly qualified firm to perform the required services in accordance with the published selection criteria. Failure to comply with instructions or provide complete information may affect the firm s evaluation or disqualify the offeror from further consideration. Evaluation criteria (1) through (4) are considered most important and are equal among themselves; criteria (5) is of slightly less importance. Specific selection criteria include: Specialized Experience Professional Qualifications Past Performance Quality Control Program Management, Location and Capacity Criterion 1- Specialized Experience (SF330, Part I, Section F): Firms will be evaluated on specialized experience in performance of services similar to those anticipated under this contract through evaluation of experience in: Designing and providing full construction drawings and specifications for various facility projects; including applying sustainability concepts through an integrated, cost effective design approach. Prepare design-build RFP packages, including environmental surveys, geotechnical reports and schematic design concepts. Experience preparing preliminary design deliverables such as concept plans, facility planning studies, including developing facility requirements, preparing engineering evaluations, project scope, and unit guidance or parametric cost estimating. Preparation of designs using AutoCAD or Revit; and Providing construction phase services (shop drawing review, record drawings preparation, construction inspection services, and owner s manuals) Firms may be considered more favorably by demonstrating the following: 1) Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings 2) Historic Preservation and Renovations; Experience with historic building repairs and renovations in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior s Standards 3) Forensic Building Science & Investigations of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended. Submission requirements: Provide a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) projects completed within the past seven (7) years immediately preceding the date of issuance of this notice that best demonstrate specialized experience of the proposed team in the areas outlined above. Sufficient information to determine the date of completion the project must be included in the project description or the project will not be considered. Provide at least one example project demonstrating experience with historic repairs/ renovation with a construction cost over $1 Million. If more than the maximum number of projects are submitted, the Government will only evaluate the first six (6) projects in the order submitted. All projects provided in the SF330 must be completed by the actual office/branch/regional office/individual team member proposed to manage and perform work under this contract. Projects not meeting this requirement will be excluded from consideration in the evaluation. To enable verification, firms should include the DUNS number along with each firm name in the SF330 Part 1, Section F, block 25, Firm Name Include a contract number or project identification number in block 21. Include an e-mail address and phone number for the point of contact in block 23(c). In block 24, include in the project description the contract period of performance, date of project completion (MM/DD/YEAR), award contract value, current contract value, define professional service role and a summary of the work performed that demonstrates relevance to specialized experience as outlined above. For projects performed as a subcontractor or a joint venture involving different partners, specifically indicate the value of the work performed as a subcontractor or by those firms proposed for this contract, and identify the specific roles and responsibilities performed as a subcontractor or by those firms on the project rather than the work performed on the project as a whole. If the project description does not clearly delineate the work performed by the entity/entities offering/teaming on this contract, the project may be eliminated from consideration. NOTE: If the firm is a joint venture, projects performed by both members of the joint venture should be submitted; however, if there are no projects performed by the joint venture, projects may be submitted for either member of the joint venture, not to exceed a total of six (6) projects, but greater consideration may be given where projects are demonstrated for the joint venture and/or both members of the joint venture. Projects shall be submitted on the SF-330 at Part I, Section F and shall be completed projects. Projects not completed will be excluded from evaluation consideration. For submittal purposes, a task order on an IDIQ contract is considered a project, as is a stand-alone contract award. Do not submit an IDIQ contract as an example project. The Government will not evaluate information provided for an IDIQ contract. Submitted projects that do not conform to this requirement will not be evaluated. NOTE: Date of project completion is defined as date of final design acceptance by client. For Full Design Projects, date of project completion is the date of final signed sealed plans & specifications to client. For DB RFP Preparation, date of project completion is the date of final RFP documents submission. For DB RFP representing Contractor as DOR, date of project completion is the date of final design acceptance to client. For Design Development/DD1391 and Studies/Investigations, date of project completion is the date of final submission of design development/DD1391 and/or report. A project may not be considered if insufficient information is provided to clearly show the date of completion. All information for Criterion 1 should be submitted in the SF330, Part I, Section F of the. The Government WILL NOT consider information submitted in addition to Part 1, Section F in evaluation of Criterion 1. Criterion 2- Professional Qualifications (SF330, Part I, Sections E & G): Firms will be evaluated on professional qualifications, competence, and experience of the proposed key personnel in providing services to accomplish the tasks required under this contract, including participation in example projects as outlined in the SF330, Part 1, Section G. Key personnel are individuals who will have major contract or project management responsibilities and/or will provide unusual or unique expertise. Specific disciplines that must be included in key personnel are Project Managers, Quality Control Manager, Architects, Landscape Architects, Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, Cost Engineers, Certified Interior Designers and licensed Fire Protection Engineers. Submission Requirements: SF330, Part I, Section E. Provide resumes for all proposed key personnel that illustrate experience in the work proposed under this contract. Resumes are limited to two (2) pages and should indicate: professional registration, certification, licensure and/or accreditation in appropriate disciplines; cite recent (within the past seven (7) years) project-specific experience in work relevant to the services required under this contract and indicate proposed role in this contract. At a minimum, resumes should indicate academic qualifications, professional licensure, supplemental training or certificates, and total years professional experience. State whether team members are U.S. Citizens. The AE shall indicate whether the key personnel hold a security clearance, and if so, at what level. Indicate participation of key personnel in example projects in the SF330, Part 1, Section G. Criterion 3- Past Performance (SF330, Part I, Section H): Firms will be evaluated on past performance with Government agencies and private industry in terms of work quality, compliance with schedules, cost control, and stakeholder/customer satisfaction. Evaluating past performance and experience will include information provided in Past Performance Questionnaires (PPQs) or CPARS for Criterion 1 projects and may include customer inquiries, Government databases, and other information available to the Government including contacts with points of contact in other criteria. NOTE: Past performance information for projects listed under Criterion 1 may be given greater weight. Submission Requirements: SUBMIT A COMPLETED CPARS EVALUATION FOR EACH PROJECT UNDER CRITERION 1. IF A COMPLETED CPARS EVALUATION IS NOT AVAILABLE, the Past Performance Questionnaire (PPQ) (Attachment (A)) included in this notice is provided for the firm or its team members to submit to the client for each project included under Criterion 1, Specialized Experience. DO NOT SUBMIT A PPQ WHEN A COMPLETED CPARS IS AVAILABLE. IF A CPARS EVALUATION IS NOT AVAILABLE, ensure correct phone numbers and email addresses are provided for the client point of contact. Completed PPQs should be submitted with your SF330. If the firm is unable to obtain a completed PPQ from a client for a project(s) before the response date set forth in this notice, firms should complete and submit with their responses the first page of the PPQ (Attachment (A)), which will provide contract and client information for the respective project(s). Firms may submit a PPQ previously submitted under a different Notice/RFP (legible copies are acceptable) as long as it is on the same form as posted with this Synopsis. Firms should follow up with clients/references to ensure timely submittal of questionnaires. If requested by the client, questionnaires may be submitted directly to the Government's point of contact, VA Sierra Nevada Healthcare System, NCO 21, Attn: Charee Harris, Contracting Officer via email at, prior to the response date. Firms shall not incorporate by reference into their response PPQs or CPARS previously submitted in response to other A/E services procurements. However, this does not preclude the Government from utilizing previously submitted PPQ information in the past performance evaluation. Firms may provide any information on problems encountered and the corrective actions taken on projects submitted under Criterion 1 Specialized Experience. Firms may also address any adverse past performance issues. Information shall not exceed two double-sided pages (or four single-sided pages) in total. Awards, letters of commendation, certificates of appreciation, etc. shall not be submitted and will not be considered in the evaluation. Criterion 4- Quality Control Program (SF330, Part I, Section H): Firms will be evaluated on the strength of the quality control program proposed by the firm to ensure quality products and services under this contract and means of ensuring quality services from their consultants/subcontractors. Maximum of 5 pages (one-sided) for Criterion 4 response. If an Offeror exceeds the page limit, the first 5 pages will be evaluated and pages after page 5 will not be evaluated. Submission Requirements: Describe the quality control program that will be utilized for all deliverables of this contract and the management approach for quality control processes and procedures. The description shall: Explain the quality control program including an example of how the plan has worked for one of the projects submitted as part of SF330, Section F or how the plan will work if it has not been used previously. Provide a quality control process chart showing the inter-relationship of the management and team components. Describe specific quality control processes and procedures proposed for this contract including technical accuracy of and assurance of overall coordination of AE plans, specifications, and construction cost estimates. Identify the quality control manager and any other key personnel responsible for the quality control program and a description of their roles and responsibilities. Describe how the firm s quality control program extends to management of subcontractors and specialty consultants. Criterion 5- Program Management, Capacity and Firm Location (SF330, Part I, Section H): Firms will be evaluated on the firm s ability to plan for and manage work under the contract, the capacity to accomplish the work in the required time, and on the locations of their office(s) that will be performing the work under this contract and demonstrated knowledge of the primary geographic areas in which projects could be located. Greater consideration will be given for offerors with offices located in closer proximity to, or other demonstration that offerors will be able to perform quickly in, the geographic areas in which projects could be located. Maximum of 5 pages (one-sided) for Criterion 5 response. If an Offeror exceeds the page limit, the first 5 pages will be evaluated and pages after page 5 will not be evaluated. Submission Requirements: Provide an organizational chart for the team and discuss the management plan for this contract and personnel roles in the organization. Describe the ability of the firm to manage, coordinate and work effectively with team members, both internal staff and consultants. Discuss the history of working relationships with team members, including joint venture partners where applicable. Describe the firm s present workload and the availability of the project team (including consultants) for the specified contract performance period. Describe the workload/availability of the key personnel during the anticipated contract performance period and the ability of the firm to provide qualified backup staffing for key personnel to ensure continuity of services. General statements of availability/capacity may be considered less favorably. Provide the location of the office(s) that will be performing the work, including main offices, branch offices, and offices of team members. Evaluation of firms will include consideration of their location within the primary geographic area of the anticipated projects, primarily in the Hampton Roads region of Southeastern Virginia. Provide examples demonstrating team s knowledge of the primary geographic areas in which projects could be located. The evaluation board will prepare a selection report recommending at least ten firms, in order of preference based on the combined SF 330 and discussion/interview score, that are considered to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services. The selection authority shall review the recommendations of the evaluation board and shall, with the advice of appropriate technical and staff representatives, make the final selection. This final selection shall be a listing, in order of preference, of the firms considered most highly qualified to perform the work. If the firm listed as the most preferred is not the firm recommended as the most highly qualified by the evaluation board, the selection authority shall provide for the contract file a written explanation of the reason for the preference. All firms on the final selection list are considered selected firms with which the contracting officer may negotiate in accordance with FAR 36.606, beginning with the most preferred firms in the final selection. If a mutually satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated, the contracting officer shall obtain a written final proposal revision from the firm and notify the firm that negotiations have been terminated. The Contracting Officer will then initiate negotiations with the next firm on the final selection list. This procedure shall be continued until a mutually satisfactory contract has been negotiated. If negotiations fail with all selected firms, the contracting officer shall refer the matter to the selection authority who, after consulting with the contracting officer as to why a contract cannot be negotiated, may direct the evaluation board to recommend additional firms in accordance with 36.602. Questions regarding this procurement should be directed, in writing, to the Contracting Officer Charee Harris via E-mail at . It is the intent of the Contracting Officer to make at least eight firm-fixed price contract awards under this solicitation. The evaluation board will prepare a selection report recommending at least ten firms, in order of preference based on the combined SF 330 and discussion/interview score, that are considered to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services. The selection authority shall review the recommendations of the evaluation board and shall, with the advice of appropriate technical and staff representatives, make the final selection. This final selection shall be a listing, in order of preference, of the firms considered most highly qualified to perform the work. If the firm listed as the most preferred is not the firm recommended as the most highly qualified by the evaluation board, the selection authority shall provide for the contract file a written explanation of the reason for the preference. All firms on the final selection list are considered selected firms with which the contracting officer may negotiate in accordance with FAR 36.606, beginning with the most preferred firms in the final selection. If a mutually satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated, the contracting officer shall obtain a written final proposal revision from the firm and notify the firm that negotiations have been terminated. The Contracting Officer will then initiate negotiations with the next firm on the final selection list. This procedure shall be continued until a mutually satisfactory contract has been negotiated. If negotiations fail with all selected firms, the contracting officer shall refer the matter to the selection authority who, after consulting with the contracting officer as to why a contract cannot be negotiated, may direct the evaluation board to recommend additional firms in accordance with 36.602. Questions regarding this procurement should be directed, in writing, to the Contracting Officer Charee Harris via E-mail at . It is the intent of the Contracting Officer to make at least eight firm-fixed price contract awards under this solicitation. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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