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Published April 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Lincolnton, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Lincoln County Schools is accepting bids for the removal of two (2) 10,000-gallon tanks and the installation of one (1) 10,000-gallon underground storage tank (UST) at West Lincoln Middle School. Requirements: All permits and license necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid by the awarded bidder The bidder is responsible for calling North Carolina 811 to ensure markings are placed appropriately so school staff and private utility companies will know where to dig prior to the start of any work. Contractor must notify the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and follow all UST regulations. Pump and remove any remaining fuel oil, sludge, and water. Excavation of site and testing of soil. Tank disposal. Tank Installation. Provide owner with all manifest documentation. Backfill with approved material. Install new fuel oil supply and return lines from the tank to the boiler room. Provide the tank monitor, tank probe and leak sensors. Grade site, topsoil, and seed. Bidder will ensure the system is completely operational and provide any and all necessary training to school and maintenance staff. Bids that do not contain all of the information that has been requested will not be considered during the bid opening. All bids should include the following: Cost of tank/tank equipment and description Cost breakdown of parts and materials Cost of backfill materials Cost of drawings and permits Cost of labor Cost of tank monitoring system and description Lincoln County Schools Contractor Requirements must be met. (Requirements can be found on the Lincoln County Schools website under "Public Bid Notices.") NOTE: The Maintenance Coordinator will be the contact to assign specific areas as questions arise in accordance with the building principal. Contact Mr. Ted Ramsey, Maintenance Coordinator, with any questions: tramsey@lcsnc.org or 704-736-4200




Public - County


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260 Shoal Rd, Lincolnton, NC

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