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Saving Project...

Published May 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Ouray, Colorado. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

This is a combined synopsis/ solicitation. Supply and Install Reinforced Concrete Sign Base with class A Rock Fa ade and Install Government Furnished Boundary Signs (FE-3, FL-3), two FS shield signs (S-18) and two USDA credit line signs (P-80) at MP 91.82 on US Highway 550, Ouray County, Colorado. PROJECT LOCATON The work on this project is to be completed on the west side of Highway 550 at MP 92.6 in Ouray, CO. Period of Performance: 04/04/2022 to 06/30/2022 MAGNITUDE OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Per FAR Part 36.204(a), the magnitude of this acquisition is less than $25,000.00 USD. The FE-3 (Forest Service Entry Sign) and the FL-3 (Forest Service Leaving Sign) boundary signs are trapezoidal signs, installed back-to-back with maximum dimensions of 9-foot wide by 6-foot high. The signs will be placed on the same location at MP 91.82, on new FE-3 reinforced concrete sign base and support posts. The reinforced concrete sign base will be installed on a rock outcrop so it will need to be embedded, leveled, and secured to the rock with rebar anchors and epoxy. Orient the sign base so the taller side of the concrete/rock base is furthest away (west) from the highway. The boundary signs shall be installed so the taller end of the signs are closest US Highway 550. The Forest Service shield signs (S-18) will be located on the west end of the sign base. The FE-3 boundary sign will be located on the north side of the sign base and the FL-3 boundary sign will be located on the south sided. The credit line signs (P-80) will be located beneath the FE-3 and FL-3 signs. When installed, the new sign base will be approximately fourteen vertical and fifteen horizontal feet away from an active 44 kV overhead power line. Access to the sign base location will require driving or walking under the powerline. The staging area for this project will be the existing parking lot for the Perimeter Trail, which is also access for NFSR 589 Ouray Dam Road, a ML1 admin road. The parking lot is set behind the rock outcrop so will not impact traffic on Highway 550, except when pulling off or onto the highway. The Offeror may either use a government sourced supply of local rock, available at MP 80.0 (approximately 12 miles from construction site), on US Highway 550, across from Crystal Lake, or purchase local rock. The Offeror shall provide rock fa ade, source and construction details, subject to approval by the Government.


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work

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March 7, 2022

April 11, 2022


US-550, Ouray, CO

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