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Published May 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Manchester, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for outdoor lighting for a transportation facility; for paving for a transportation facility; and water / sewer project.

**As of April 13, 2022, the project has not been awarded yet. A timeline for award is not yet determined. The City of Manchester, New Hampshire, Department of Aviation is seeking bids for the completion of the apron for the proposed Green Drive Cargo Facility and the access road to the new cargo facility. The scope of work for the cargo apron area includes all of the associated work with the following components: site work demolition; Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Pavement Apron; Asphalt Pavement Apron, Taxilane and vehicle service road; high mast lighting; MHT fiber data system extension; MHT security equipment for the new facility and site; airfield light and signage modifications; electric supply system modifications and coordination with electric utility provider (Eversource); Automatic Surface Observation System site relocation; new snow melter facility with utility extensions; drainage improvements; perimeter security fence relocation; pavement markings; and incidental work. In addition, coordination with the cargo facility development team for the complete installation of the scope of work located within the proposed building and lease line or the adjacent site work. The project includes two alternates for the installation for the access road scope of work. Option 1 includes the reconstruction for a portion of the current temporary access road realignment for Green Drive, while Option 2 includes the reconstruction a new roadway alignment from a new intersection on Ammon Drive through the edge of the existing Lot C Long Term Parking to the new Green Drive re-alignment along the front of the Cargo Facility lease lot. The project also has two Additive Alternates which include the construction of a second taxilane to the proposed apron and all its associated work similar to the other taxilane, as well as additional existing pavement rehabilitation of milling and in-lay pavement around the Terminal Building Loading Dock and Guard Shack areas. These additive alternates will be awarded based on available funding. Bids will be accepted only from contractors that have been pre qualified with the Department of Aviation. Refer to the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport portal for pre-qualification requirements. Each bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount of 5% of the total bid. A 100% performance and payment bond will be required with the contract. In addition, a warranty bond will also be required for the contract. A group "on-site" visit to the building demolition site will be held immediately following the pre-bid informational meeting. The contract will be awarded to lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in the bidding or to reject any or all bids. The Bidder shall refer to all Federal (FAA), State and local bidding requirements located in the Bid Documents and available at the above noted locations FAA AIP No. 3-33-0011-xxx-2022 Bid Results Schedule A - Apron Cargo Construction - R. S. Audley, Inc - $99,64,661.00 Schedule B - Apron Cargo Construction - - R. S. Audley, Inc - $33,76,823.00

Bid Results

Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work

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April 6, 2022

May 5, 2022


1 Airport Rd, Manchester, NH

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