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Published March 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Longueuil, Quebec. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Reference number : 1567432 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2022-02-18 Submission sent electronically accepted: Yes, in a single submission document Expected duration of the contract without the options (in months): 6 The Center de services scolaire Marie-Victorin, owner, is requesting bids for the repair work on the exterior envelope . Tenders must be accompanied by a tender guarantee, which must correspond to ten percent (10%) of the amount of the tender, in the form of a certified check, a draft, an irrevocable letter of guarantee or of a bond. The bid bond must be issued by a Financial Institution that is an insurer holding a license issued in accordance with the Insurance Act (RSQ, cA-32) authorizing it to practice suretyship insurance, a trust company holding a license issued under the Act respecting trust companies and savings companies (RSQ, c. S-29.01), a financial services cooperative covered by the Act respecting financial services cooperatives(RSQ, c. C-67.3) or a bank within the meaning of the Bank Act (LC, 1991, c.46). When the bid security is in the form of a bond, it must be accompanied by a letter of undertaking issued by the issuer of the bond stipulating that a performance bond and a bond of obligations for wages, materials and services will be awarded to the successful bidder. When guarantees are in the form of security, the amount of each of them corresponds to fifty percent (50%) of the contract price. When the guarantee is in the form of a certified check or a draft, the bid guarantee must be issued in favor of the Center de services scolaire. This bid security may be exchanged no later than fifteen (15) days after the letter of award is sent for a performance bond and a bond for wages, materials and services, the amount of each corresponds to fifty percent (50%) of the contract price. The Center de services scolaire Marie-Victorin does not undertake to accept any of the submissions received. Beginning of the roadworks June 27, 2022 Provisional acceptance of the work August 26, 2022 End of the works September 26, 2022 award is subject to final approval.




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March 15, 2022

June 27, 2022


1500 Boulevard Curé-Poirier E, Longueuil, QC

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