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Published June 13, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

June 23, 2022, 9:00 a.m. Deadline for the submission of written questions. HACP will consider award of approximately 200 units of housing under this solicitation to be awarded to the successful property owners and/or developers. The only assistance available and to be considered through this process is PBV assistance. There is no gap funding or other financing support available through this solicitation. The HACP is a municipal corporation, formed under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, codified at 42 U.S.C. Section 1401 et seq. as amended and the Housing Authority Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania codified at 35 P.C. 1542, et. seq. as amended. As such, the HACP is charged with providing "affordable decent, safe and sanitary housing for low-income persons." The HACP has approximately 300 employees and serves over 20,000 residents. The Authority itself maintains or oversees approximately 4000 units of rental housing either directly or through private management companies; and, through its Housing Choice Voucher program, funds the rental of more than 5500 other units of privately owned housing. Major operational departments include Management, Maintenance, Occupancy, Housing Choice Voucher, and Modernization & Development. Major administrative departments include Legal, Finance, Information Technology, and Human Resources. Our public and community relations departments are Community Affairs and Resident Self-Sufficiency. All departments work together to achieve the goals of the Authority that are set by the Board of Commissioners. Day to day decisionmaking rests with the Executive Director, who reports to the Board of Commissioners on a regular basis. The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh ("HACP") requests proposals from qualified property owners and/or developers (including non-profits and Community Development Corporations) under the Project-Based Voucher ("PBV") Program. The HACP's PBV program is designed to conform to the Project-Based Voucher Program Final Rule published on October 13, 2005, Federal Regulations at 24 CFR Part 983 as modified by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Federal Register Notice 73 FR 71037), other applicable Notices from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the implementing provisions of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (Federal Register Notices 82 FR 2458 and 82 FR 32461). Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be in writing and directed to: Mr. Kim Detrick - Procurement Director/Chief Contracting Officer Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh Procurement Department 100 Ross Street 2nd Floor Suite 200 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412.456.5116 Option 1 412.456.5007 fax kim.detrick@hacp.org The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Residential Subdivision

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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RFP - Project Based Vouchers 2022 Phase 2

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