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Published April 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Denver, Colorado. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The Havana Street Transit Improvements project involves improvements along Havana Street between Dartmouth Ave and Montview Blvd located in Aurora, Colorado. This project will improve the regions multimodal transportation system, services, and connections by improving the speed, reliability, and comfort of using transit. The Havana Street corridor is served by RTD Bus Route 105 which provides important regional transit services. The route has 5200 daily boardings based on RTD data. It connects the Southeast Corridor Light Rail Transit services, including R, F, and H Lines, at the Southmoor Station and the East Commuter Rail, A Line, at the Central Park Station. The implementation of this project will help to achieve a variety of Metro Vision objectives and address key Transportation Improvements Program (TIP) Focused Areas endorsed by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Board. Work performed shall include, but is not limited, to: Queue jumps, bypass lanes for transit, bus bulb outs with amenity upgrades, transit signal priority at signalized intersections, and additional amenity upgrades at existing bus stops; Project is designed and will be reconstructed to City Standard within the Roadway Design and Construction Manual (2016), Anticipated Construction Period: April 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. A warranty period will not be applicable to this project. Any reference to a warranty period throughout this Project Manual or any of its Attachments shall be disregarded. Selected Contractor shall reference the following project numbers on all correspondence to the City of Aurora (COA) or Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT): City of Aurora: 20048 / 5668A CDOT Subaccount: 23619 CDOT SAP: AQC 030A-040 Work not specifically called for but that is needed to accomplish a successful project under this contract should be considered as part of the work to be performed, whether specifically detailed or not. Question Acceptance Deadline - 02/18/2022 03:00 PM MT Questions are submitted online - No Bonding Requirements - Bid Bond 5 % - Performance Bond 100 % - Payment Bond 100 % General Requirements - Bid Deposit Required - Insurance Required - Prevailing Wage Required - Federally Funded Bidders needing assistance registration or the bid uploading process may contact BidNet's Vendor Support at 1-800-835-4603 or e-mail at procurementsupport@bidnet.com. The estimated cost for this project is from $665,000.00 to $700,000.00. The Contract Documents require that all work be completed within one hundred (100) calendar days, after issuance of Notice to Proceed. Failure to complete the work as prescribed shall be considered as a Breach of Contract and subject to Liquidated Damages which is $1,600.00 per day. The Havana Street Transit Improvements project involves improvements along Havana Street between Dartmouth Ave and Montview Blvd located in Aurora, Colorado. This project will improve the region's multimodal transportation system, services, and connections by improving the speed, reliability, and comfort of using transit. The Havana Street corridor is served by RTD Bus Route 105 which provides important regional transit services. The route has 5200 daily boardings based on RTD data. It connects the Southeast Corridor Light Rail Transit services, including R, F, and H Lines, at the Southmoor Station and the East Commuter Rail, A Line, at the Central Park Station. The implementation of this project will help to achieve a variety of Metro Vision objectives and address key Transportation Improvements Program (TIP) Focused Areas endorsed by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Board. Bidders may make written inquiries concerning this ITB to obtain clarification of requirements. Written inquiries shall be emailed to: Kristin Chewiwi, Senior Procurement Agent, at kchewiwi@auroragov.org AND Carlie Campuzano, Project Manager, at ccampuza@auroragov.org. It is preferred that all inquiries be sent with the subject title: Havana Street Transit (5868A).

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Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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February 28, 2022

April 1, 2022


Havana St, Denver, CO

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