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Published March 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Sarasota, Florida. Working plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Enter Total Bid Price from bid form titled "22-15JS Electronic Bid Form" The itemized bid form MUST be uploaded with bid submittal in order to be considered responsive.Contract duration:One Time Purchase. The City of Sarasota strives towards its goal of becoming a sustainable community. Salvage and reuse of construction materials is sustainable activity worthy of becoming a standard operating practice by the CITY, its crews, and private contractor/vendors working in the CITY. The CITY reserves the right to accept or reject any or all responses, in whole or in part, for any reason whatsoever, to waive minor irregularities and technicalities, and to request resubmission. Also, the CITY reserves the right to accept all or any part of the responses and to increase or decrease quantities to meet additional or reduced requirements of the CITY. Any sole response received by the submission date may or may not be rejected by the CITY depending on available competition and current needs of the CITY. The City of Sarasota is seeking a vendor to furnish and install a 10,000-gallon concrete fuel storage tank with associated concrete pad, retaining walls, steel fuel piping, and appurtenances. Project includes demolition and removal of existing steel tank, fuel piping, concrete secondary containment wall, and appurtenances, and connecting new concrete fuel tank and pipelines to existing day tanks. Q & A deadline: Mar 07, 2022 5:00:00 PM EST Having satisfied all conditions as set forth elsewhere in these documents, the successful bidder shall furnish a performance and payment bond (public construction bond) equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract amount for the security of the faithful performance of this contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor and furnishing materials in connection therewith in the forms required by Florida. Questions and requests for clarification should be submitted through the City's electronic solicitation system.If for some reason the City issues a call for hard copy responses, then information or questions concerning this solicitation may also be submitted to the City of Sarasota Purchasing Division, 1565 First Street, Room 205, Sarasota, Florida 34236, phone number (941) 263-6452, unless otherwise noted in the specifications. All bids, where the total amount bid is in excess of $200,000 require security in the form of a bid bond issued by a surety company licensed to do business in Florida, a cashier's check, or an irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to five percent of the bid, unless the Purchasing General Manager issues a written determination that the imposition of such requirement would detract from competition without adding a material benefit to the City. The Emergency Generator Diesel Tank Replacement project shall consist of the following activities: a. Furnishing and installing a 10,000-gallon concrete fuel storage tank with associated concrete pad, retaining walls, steel fuel piping, and appurtenances. b. Demolition and removal of existing steel tank, fuel piping, concrete secondary containment wall, and appurtenances. c. Connecting new concrete fuel tank and pipelines to existing day tanks 2. Due to the sensitive nature of this project, there shall be no interruption to the existing fuel delivery to the existing generators without the written approval of the Engineer in advance. 3. Contractor shall make temporary connections at the engine for both the supply and return fuel lines. 4. Once the new tank has been installed, the pipeline pressure tested, and inspected the new tank can be permanently connected to the day tank. 5. The existing steel fuel tank and pipeline shall be emptied, cleaned, and disposed of properly by the Contractor at no additional expense the Owner. Work in this Section includes all labor, material, equipment, testing, tax, overhead, and profit necessary to install, construct, and place into service the items described in this Section to provide a complete and functional system ready for use by the City. B. The Contractor shall obtain Substantial Completion within 190 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed, with the Final Completion of all Work within the Contract Time of 220 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. This shall include all work, except warranty items, in accordance with the Contract Documents.

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1750 12th St, Sarasota, FL

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