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Published March 30, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a water / sewer project in Dunn, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Dunn intends to procure a qualified Design Builder (DB) to provide design and construction services for the Black River WWTP Improvements. The project is located at Black River WWTP, 580 JW Edwards Lane Dunn, NC 28334. Questions pertaining to the selection process should be directed to Heather Adams at hadams@dunn-nc.org no later than 3:00 PM on March 11, 2022. The City of Dunn shall not be held responsible for any oral instructions. Any changes to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be in the form of an addendum, which will be furnished to all registered RFQ holders. Please register by email at twilliams@dunnnc.org and provide company name and contact information. The City of Dunn reserves the right to reject any or all SOQ's to waive any informality or irregularity in any SOQ received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective SOQ received. Project Description: The Black River Wastewater Treatment Plant was originally constructed in late 1970's as a 2.275 MGD single stage activated sludge facility. In 1986, the plant was re-permitted to a capacity of 3.0 MGD. The capacity increase was granted to allow the facility to maintain effluent flow compliance and accommodate non-excessive extraneous I/I flow. The capacity increase was possible because of the exceptional BOD and TSS removal efficiencies achieved at the 3.0 MGD flow rates. Even after the rehabilitation efforts of the early 1980's and after the facility re-permitting to 3.0 MGD capacity, the Dunn sewer system still experienced flows greater than 3.0 MGD during heavy rainfall events or during periods of extended wet weather. In 1993, the hydraulic capacity of the Black River WWTP was expanded from 3.0 MGD to 3.75 MGD with a corresponding peak capacity of 7.50 MGD. This expansion was performed due to I/I laden wet weather events often exceeding the maximum 5.25 MGD influent pumping capacity of the Black River WWTP. This condition resulted in overflows upstream of the WWTP. In 2011, the Black River WWTP was upgraded to help handle the increased flows it was experiencing during wet weather. A three (3) million-gallon equalization tank was built to add storage capacity during peak flow events. A new influent pump station, fine screening, and grit removal systems were also installed which can be readily be adapted to handle influent peak flows of up to 15 MGD. Waste sludge processing was updated by installing a new rotary drum thickener and the existing aerobic digester was updated with a new diffused aeration system, new aeration blowers and a decanter. In 2010, the WWTP also performed a safety update to eliminate the use of gaseous chlorine and sulfur dioxide by installing new liquid feed systems. In 2020, the Black River WWTP's original course bubble aeration equipment and piping were replaced with new fine bubble diffusers and more efficient blowers. The installation of the new blower system has reduced the energy consumption by more than 40%. Many structural and mechanical components at the Black River WWTP are now reaching the end of their useful life and key components must be rehabilitated or replaced to continue reliable and effective operations. The WWTP is also subject to induced I/I and has experienced several instances when it must reduce the influent pumping capacity, resulting in SSO's on the interceptor upstream of the WWTP. The City of Dunn has received funding from the NC Division of Water Infrastructure's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) for the design and construction of mechanical and structural upgrades that will increase the WWTP's hydraulic capacity, improve clarification, improve the disinfection process, and position the treatment plant for a future expansion. The upgrades will include the design and construction of a new clarifier distribution chamber, the refurbishment of an existing clarifier (built in 1996) with a new mechanism, weirs, and baffles, design and construction of an additional clarifier to better process peak flows, disinfection improvements by designing and constructing a new chlorine contact basin to provide adequate volume to meet the 10 states standards, and improve hydraulic capacity by replacing undersized process piping (built in 1982). The Design Build services shall be performed as a single overall contract with one entity identified as the Design Builder. Services shall include all necessary activities to appropriately design the work and construct the project. The contract will be delivered using the Progressive Design-Build Delivery Method. The project will be divided into Phases, with the Design Phase being the agreement for the professional engineering services related to design of the water main replacement with the DB. Upon acceptance of the design by the City of Dunn, the City anticipates entering into the contract for Phase 2 with the selected DB for the construction of the project. It is anticipated that the DB will consist of a general contractor and a professional engineering firm. Both firms shall be licensed in the State of North Carolina. The general contractor shall be a licensed utility contractor, with the following license classification: Public Utilities - Water and Sewer: Unlimited Unclassified: Unlimited


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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