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Published February 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Richland, Washington. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division (herein called Battelle), Management and Operations Contractor of the U.S. Department of Energys (DOE) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington, request information for a small business protégé in the area of construction services under DOEs Mentor Protégé program where Battelle serves as the Mentor. The Department of Energys (DOE or the Department) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) manages the DOE's Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP). The MPP helps increase participation and maximize opportunities for small businesses to work with the Department. This program operates separately from the Small Business Administrations (SBAs) Mentor Protégé Program (All Small MPP). The DOEs MPP seeks to foster long-term business relationships between small businesses and DOE prime contractors and to increase the overall number of small businesses that receive DOE prime contracts and subcontracts. Battelle, acting under its contract with the U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science, located in Richland, WA, requests interested small disadvantaged (SDB), woman-owned small businesses (WOSB), service-disabled veteran- owned small businesses (SDVOSB), veteranowned small businesses (VOSB), and historically underutilized business zone (HUBZone) small businesses parties to submit an expression of interest to assume the role of a Protégé under DOEs Mentor Protégé program where Battelle serves as the Mentor. The program provides an opportunity for eligible small businesses to receive developmental assistance in business and/or technical areas from Battelle. The intent is to help the small business in improving and expanding their capabilities to perform contracts and subcontracts for DOE and its Prime Contractors. Battelle is seeking qualified small businesses who have an interest in the area of: General Contractor Construction Services (e.g laboratory renovations, research equipment installations, mechanical/electrical/plumbing modifications). Interested parties must meet the following minimum qualifications: 1) Must be a small business and qualify to at least one of the socioeconomic status as outlined above e.g. 8(a), SDB, WOSB, SDVOSB, VOSB, and/or HUBZone. 2) Registered in the System for Award Management. 3) Must have an approved profile in the Battelle Acquisition Supplier Portal. 4) Have areas of where Battelle can support growth of the protégé within the specific area of interest. 5) Must not currently have an active DOE Mentor Protégé relationship with another DOE Prime Contractor. Interested parties should provide a response no longer than five (5) pages that includes the following information: 1. Statement of the companys desire to participate 2. Point of Contact Name, Title, Phone Number and Email. 3. The companys capability statement which includes evidence of small business and other socio-economic status. 4. Confirmation that the company is registered in the System for Award Management . 5. Confirmation that the company is approved in the Battelle Acquisition Supplier Portal . Note: this approval can take up to 2 weeks to complete. 6. Provide specific areas of where Battelle can support growth of the company within general contractor construction services. 7. Confirmation that the company has not already participated in another DOE Mentor Protégé agreement and/or is not currently in an active mentor protégé agreement under DOE. 8. A confirmation that the company will seek to become an approved DOE Mentor Protégé if selected as Battelles Protégé for this effort. For more information regarding the DOE Mentor Protégé program requirements, visit: Mentor-Protégé Program | Department of Energy. Battelle will evaluate all responses received. Please note that your response only outlines your desire to participate as a protégé under the DOE Mentor Protégé program and may not result in an established Mentor Protégé agreement. Questions are due by February 25, 2022 Responses are due no later than 4:00pm Pacific Standard Time on March 18, 2022. Responses which are deemed complete in all required submittal areas will be reviewed and evaluated. Successful candidates will then be notified via email with a request for virtual interview by April 1, 2022. Please send all questions and RFI responses to: Garrett Hyatt Acquisition Lead Specialist - Construction garrett.hyatt@pnnl.gov The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time




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To Be Determined, Richland, WA

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