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Published May 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Detroit, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

This is a presolicitation notice for a Capital Security Project for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Public Building Service, Region 5, at the Theodore Levin United States Courthouse located at 231 W Lafayette Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226. This acquisition is for Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) services and will result in a single contract award. Work shall include, but is not limited, to the following: Provide an accessible route into the building at Lafayette Boulevard, which is currently only accessed by stairs totalling approximately 9 feet in height. Separate unscreened individuals entering the building from screened individuals within the building and exiting. The separation is to e a secure physical barrier Provide a dedicated public entrance that will accommodate approximately 2,500 persons per week. This entrance is closest to most of the available public parking. Provide some interior sheltered space for queuing lines to reduce or eliminate the number of persons line up down the street while waiting to be screened. Provide a new security screening station located in close proximity to the new CSO booth. All schemes provide: Approximately 55 feet of queuing distance Gun Room visible from the CSO station New CSO booth meeting USMS Publication 64 requirements Although not identified in the original concept sketches, all schemes include an integrated location of the presidential portraits. While not security related, this is consistent with the guidelines of first impressions. The procurement is set-aside for Small Businesses only. The NAICS code for this procurement is 236220 (Commercial and Institutional Building Construction) with a size standard of $36.5 million. A bid bond will be required with offer submissions. This is a negotiated procurement; there will not be a public bid opening. Award will be made to responsible CMc whose proposal conforms to the solicitation requirements and could provide the best value to the Government. For this procurement, the technical factors, when combined, will be significantly more important than price. The technical factors will include: Experience in providing Design and Construction Stage Services similar projects, Past Performance in providing Design Stage Services and Construction stage Services on similar projects, Management Approach (Design and Construction Stage Services), and Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel. The Government reserves the right to make an award on initial offers, but discussions/interviews may be held if necessary. The solicitation will be available on or after 15 calendar days following this notice. There will be a pre-proposal conference conducted, the date, time and subsequent details will be listed within the RFP. The specific date and time of the pre-proposal conference will be identified in the solicitation and will require those wishing to attend to RSVP in advance. The due date for receipt of proposals will be stated in the solicitation. There will be an electronic submission with which the solicitation will explain in further detail. The solicitation will be available for download through SAM.gov . Offerors are responsible for downloading the solicitation and for monitoring FBO for amendments or additional information. . All government contractors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to submitting an offer. You may access SAM at the following URL: https://www.sam.gov/portal/public/SAM/. Once you have registered with SAM, you will be required to register with FBO. No federal materials can be downloaded until you have registered under both sites. Any questions regarding this notification should be directed to Della Ljungkull and Oana Sandru via email at Della.ljungkull@gsa.gov with a carbon copy to Oana.Sandru@gsa.gov. (1) The estimated price range for the Project is between $5,000,000.00 and $10,000,000.00 . Section I.D. Preproposal Conference is hereby revised accordingly to reflect the changes identified below in bold. Pre-registration is required for all attendees to the pre-proposal conference and site visit. Interested parties must RSVP to Oana.Sandru@gsa.gov and Della Ljungkull at Della.ljungkull@gsa.gov by no later than February 28, 2022. Offerors shall submit a RSVP registration form identifying all attendees from their respective team. Participants must have a valid, Government issued picture identification, driver's license preferred, to gain access for the pre-proposal Site Visit. Notification of the location of entry, where attendees are required to meet, and all other requirements for the Site Visit will be issued to the Offerors. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The scope items listed below include modifications to existing architectural,structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, elevator, fire protection, and other systems. Selective demolition will be required, as well as some existing materials which may contain asbestos, lead, or other hazardous materials which shall be properly mitigated as part of this project per GSA standard specifications. The GSA Historic Preservation Principles shall apply to all aspects of the project scope. 1. Renovations at the building entrance from Lafayette Blvd. a. New ramps to be built on the existing sidewalk b. A new screening station will be built on the east (plan north) side of the existing interior stairs. c. A new lift will be installed to assist visitors who cannot use the stairs from the lower portion of the first floor to the main level. This will include lowering of a portion of the existing floor slab and cutting a new opening from the existing entrance vestibule. 2. Renovations at the building entrance from Fort Street, within existing elevator lobby. a. New partitions and security equipment will be installed within the existing elevator lobby. 3. New enclosed vehicle sally port in the Basement Loading Dock a. A new CMU enclosure with roll-up doors shall be installed within the existing loading dock to provide a secure loading/unloading zone for prisoner delivery vehicles to access existing elevator #9. 4. Modifications to existing Elevator #9 a. The existing elevator shall be upgraded to meet current USMS Publication 64 requirements for the use as a secure prisoner elevator. This may include rebuilding the elevator cab, new controls, new motor, entrance doors, etc. NTP for Construction: May, 2023 Estimated Substantial Completion Date: November, 2024 Final Contract Closeout: March, 2025




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231 W Lafayette Blvd, Detroit, MI

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