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Published February 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Norton, Virginia. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Wise County Public Service Authority is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from Engineering firms with experience in planning, design, permitting, bidding, resident project representation, construction administration, and related services for the Pound Sewer System Interceptor Rehabilitation project. The project will be funded by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Virginia Department of Housing & Community. Statements of Qualifications will be evaluated on the following factors: 1) Experience and qualifications of individuals available for assignment 2) Experience in providing similar services 3) Past work for the PSA and nearby municipalities 4) Capability to perform design and construction management in a timely manner 5) Familiarity with the project area and site criteria Questions related to this request proposed scope of work may be requested of Cody A. McElroy, P.E., Executive Director, Wise County Public Service Authority, at (276) 679-1263. One (1) original and two (2) copies of the SOQ must be submitted in a sealed envelope/package marked "Wise County Public Service Authority - Pound Sewer System Interceptor Rehabilitation Project" addressed to Cody A. McElroy, P.E., Executive Director, Wise County Public Service Authority, 5622 Industrial Park Road, Norton, Virginia 24273. SOQs received after this date/time will be rejected and returned to the offeror unopened. It is the responsibility of the offeror to ensure that its SOQ is received at the appropriate location and by the designated time. As this is a formal invitation, no faxed or electronic SOQs will be accepted. Offerors will be evaluated based on the factors outlined in this Advertisement. Interviews may be conducted. Following the evaluation process, offerors will be ranked and negotiations will begin with the top-ranked offeror. If an agreement is satisfactory and advantageous to the PSA and considered fair and reasonable, the award shall be made to that offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the offeror ranked second, and so on until a satisfactory agreement is reached. Offerors are requested to provided the following information at a minimum: 1) Organizational structure and management for the project 2) Experience of offeror's firm with similar projects, and any partners and/or subcontractors for the project 3) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three client references from projects of comparable size and complexity 4) Description of the experience of the key staff involved including experience with projects of comparable technical nature and complexity 5) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of person(s) within the firm who may be contacted for further information. All respondents must conform to the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements and, upon request, supply documentation of compliance. The Wise County Public Service Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer and will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, or handicap. Minority and female-owned firms are encouraged to participate.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

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March 20, 2023


Multiple Locations, Norton, VA

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