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Published February 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Bowler, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

he Stockbridge-Munsee Property &Equipment Department is accepting bids for the installation and removal of gutter systems, downspouts, and snow guards. Work to begin on or around April 18th, 2022 Work to be completed by June 17th, 2022 Bids are to include the cost of labor and materials. Certification of Workers Comprehensive/Liability Insurance required. The Stockbridge-Munsee Property & Equipment Department is accepting bids for replacement and instillation of gutters, downspouts, and snow guards on the following buildings. Administration, Administration garage, Land, Library-Museum, Child Support, Communications, Environmental, Public Safety, Food Distribution, Headstart, Headstart garage, Legal, Tribal Offices. Removal and disposal of the current guttering system. Materials and installation cost of new gutters, downspouts, snow guards, and all other needed materials for proper installation. Replacement gutters and downspouts specifications: Gutters and downspouts shall be adequately sized to prevent runoff and overflow. Gutters shall have sufficient positioning and slope to prevent runoff and overflow. Gutter shall have minimal seams required and all joints shall be properly sealed. All gutters and downspouts shall be properly fastened. The opening in the gutter into the downspout shall equal the minimum downspout size. Relocation of downspouts, additional downspouts, splash guards, and other items may be needed to prevent runoff and overflow. Snow guards shall be installed to prevent damage to the gutter system. Contractor shall have a guarantee that the gutters and downspouts will properly retain and drain all water without runoff and overflow. Contractor shall have a guarantee that all gutters and downspouts will withstand winter conditions to withstand damages to the gutter and downspout systems.




Public - Federal


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Bowler, WI

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