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Published February 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Dodge City, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

The City is soliciting proposals for lighting upgrades/retrofit in the Arena at United Wireless Event Center located at 4100 W. Comanche St. All labor, parts, tools, software, and equipment will be provided by the vendor. Needs include direct replacement/retrofit of existing Microlite cans/panels and one day of onsite training.Cabling (Cat 5e/6) will be included as well as any electrical work. Power supply repeaters, if required, will be included. New software will have the capability to program effects, presets, After the installation, the vendor will provide technical support, programming, and backup for replaced panels. The vendor providing/supporting the software should have the capability to securely and remotely support the software (at the request of the Venue). During installation and programming of the system, the provider will work with the Venue to program the system to the Venues zone specifications to optimize the system for power issues and needs of various types of events. Bids must be good for at least thirty (60) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities, and to select the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City RFP Requirements Bidders must examine the location and scope of the proposed work and all conditions affecting the work before submitting an RFP. Contractors must provide their own equipment, gear, and protective equipment Contractors must abide by local and State laws and requirements for the job. If one or more contractors license(s) is/are required for the project, it/they must be obtained. Pricing proposal: RFP responses should include a total cost of the project including parts and labor. Include cost of extra hours or days Include at least three references Include warranty information Include date work can begin and how long it will take to complete. Alternate RFP As an alternate, please indicate the cost for providing the following: Software support and updates availability for five years guaranteed by vendor Parts availability for five years guaranteed by vendor Support/service availability for five years guaranteed by vendor. Response (including pricing) must be good for 60 days to give staff time to evaluate and present to the City Commission Contractors must provide proof of insurance coverage and maintain the coverage for the duration of the project (should they be selected). Coverage must meet these minimums: Comprehensive General Liability: $500,000 for one individual injury/death, $1,000,000 total. Comprehensive Property Damage Liability: $500,000 for one accident/$1,000,000 total Comprehensive Automotive and Property: all vehicles under control of the vendor while performing work for the City ($500,000 injury/death one individual/$1,000,000 total). Workmans Compensation: Vendor must carry Workmans Compensation in the amounts prescribed under Kansas State law and meet all other City and State laws and regulations. The City has adopted a policy wherein all contracts over $10,000 shall include specific provisions to ensure equal employment opportunity and that all Contractors provide evidence of the adoptions of an affirmative action program. Questions concerning the Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action of Notification of Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Womens Business Enterprise (WBE) polices can be addressed to the following: Ernestor De La Rosa, Human Resources The City will evaluate proposals received and reserves the right to enter into contract arrangements with the person or firm most beneficial to the City. The City is solely responsible for determining the proposal most beneficial to the City. The City reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, waive informalities and minor irregularities in offers received. For questions regarding this RFP please contact Ryan Reid Email -rtreid@dodgecity.org


Arenas / Stadiums


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4100 W Comanche St, Dodge City, KS

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