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Published May 9, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Essex, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Waterproofing and Brick Repairs at Essex District Court All Minority Business Enterprises are encourage to respond to this Solicitation. The following bonds are required if the Contract Amount, including Unit Prices, Allowances and Alternates as applicable, is in excess of $100,000.00 1) Bid Bond in the amount of 5% 2) Payment and Performance Bonds in the amount of 100% Small Business Reserve Designation Yes The work shall be completed within 60 calendar days the start date of the contract. If the work is not completed within the time period specified, the contractor will be liable for liquated damages of $ 250.00 per calendar day as specified in the "General Conditions". The successful contactor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, materials and supplies required for repairing/coating the East elevation adjacent to the sloped glaring's ofEssex District Court, in according with the terms, conditions and specifications, Die existing interior cracked brick will need to be replaced and any cracked mortar shall be ground out and repointed. Existing exterior grading needs to be pulled back and color liquid rubber to be applied and regraded with fall away from the building Work consists of coating the exterior brick with Micro-Seal (Rain Guard),or equivalent, on the east wall around the window glazing from grade up to roof. Prior to application all surfaces to be clean and dry with no oils, dirt, or minerals such as efflorescence, lime and calcium. The use of Rainguard's Restore-N- Prep or its equivalent. 2. Interior Brickwork; A. Remove and Replace approx. 16 Sq. Ft, ofbroken brick under lintel beam with column behind it, with same like kind and quality to match existing brick. B. Repoint, area above both lintels approx, 24 linear feet at each sitting area. C. All efflorescence to be removed with RadonSeal Effloresecence cleaner, or it's approved equivalent, 3. Existing grading and waterproofing is to have a Colored Liquid Rubber WaterproofSealant it will overlap existing water proofing. The existing grading needs to be dug out 12" and wall cleaned then the colored liquid rubber to be applied from the 12" below to approx. 12" above grade. 'lire dirt to be compacted back in the trench will be 4" above existing grade to create a flow for water to run away from the building. 4. All work shall be accomplished within sixty (60) calendar days from the date designated by the notice to proceed. 5. Contractor is to supply a two-year workmanship warrant

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Public - State/Provincial


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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8914 Kelso Dr, Essex, MD

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