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Site work for a mixed-use development in Northville, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Amerman Playground Update Cohesive Master Plan Matching colors to existing play structure that is remaining in North Playground (see image) Replace basketball hoops and nets Keep Gaga Ball pit but it can be moved Blue area outlined on North Playground is reserved for Legacy Garden which will be completed by others. Phase 1 plan must include removal of main climbing structures on North and South playground and replacing with a piece/pieces of equipment that includes climbers and slides (structures are in question are noted on attached diagrams of playgrounds) Demolition and removal of existing equipment Refilling mulch Bid Bond or certified check, for an amount not less than five (5%) percent of the amount of the bid, must accompany each bid. The check or bond of each unsuccessful bidder will be returned within ten (10) days after the bid is awarded. Failure of any accepted bidder to enter into a contract to complete the specified work may forfeiture of his bid security. Failure to submit proper bid security shall constitute rejection of bid. Performance Bond/Payment Bond Within fourteen (14) days after date of issuance of written notice of selection for the award of a contract, which shall be considered as the notice to proceed, the successful bidder shall enter into a contract with the Owner and shall execute and file with the Owner, the following in the amount 100% equal to full contract sum. The Performance Bond must insure the faithful performance of all provisions of the contract and satisfactory completion of the specified work, within the time agreed upon. Section 0.3 Instructions to Bidders The Payment Bond must insure the payment and protection of claimants supplying labor or materials to the principal contractor or his subcontractors in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract. The successful contractor's bond company must be listed by the State of Michigan as a licensed carrier and have an excellent or superior rating from AM Best Company. Prevailing Wage This is not a prevailing wage project. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities, and to accept a proposal which, in the Districts opinion, is in the Districts best interest. The District reserves the right to declare as non-responsive, and reject, any bid which is incomplete or where material information requested in not furnished, or where indirect or incomplete answers or information is provided. In the event, the Administration Building is closed due to unforeseen circumstances on the day Proposals are due, Proposals will be due at the same time on the next day that the District and/or the Administration Building is open. Negligence in preparation, improper preparation, errors in, or omissions from, proposal shall not relieve a bidder from fulfillment of any and all obligations and requirements of the proposed Contract Documents. The District expects that the awarded bidder will complete the work as outlined in the specifications for the amount bid by the bidder. Any additional costs above the amount bid and awarded must be approved by the District in advance of any work. The district also reserves the right to negotiate a contract for services for only a portion of the proposals deemed in the best interest of the district. Bid Results: Proposal A Great Lakes Recreation-$179,500 Proposal B Sinclair Recreation-$45,900

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847 N Center St, Northville, MI

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