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Published February 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a retail development in Los Gatos, California. Conceptual plans call for site work for a retail development; and for paving for a retail development.
The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen/District) is pleased to announce the opportunity to provide wildlife crossing design and engineering, and environmental consulting services to identify and select one or more corrective actions needed to provide safe passage for California newts, rough skinned newts and other semiaquatic species across Alma Bridge Road in Santa Clara County, California. The project consists of two phases of work: Phase One: Review prior information characterizing the extent of the underlying issue (road mortality of newt species and potential corrective actions); complete a feasibility assessment for corrective actions across the existing road alignment; determine type(s) of structure(s), location(s), number, extent and dimensions, complete site investigations, alternatives analysis, and prepare a Basis of Design document. Provide a recommended CEQA approach and develop a permitting strategy, to complete design and implement the project. Phase Two: Complete any required environmental assessments (e.g. geotechnical, biological assessments, archaeological review, and jurisdictional delineation); complete CEQA, construction documents for the selected alternative(s), acquire permits, provide construction administration support, and prepare as-built drawings. The District requests concise proposals; please limit responses to no more than twelve pages, not including qualifications. Please refrain from including boiler-plate information that does not specifically address the information requested herein. Proposed Approach Provide a description of how the project team intends to complete the work, including a detailed list of the necessary tasks to complete the project, including quantity of site visits and in-person coordination meetings. Project team structure. Provide an organizational chart or description of the probable t eam including subconsultants. Include all key project team members and explain their role and responsibility throughout the project. Identify the project team members who are the daily contacts. Prior experience. Provide a summary of the background and specific pertinent expertise of key personnel, as well as a statement of their time commitment to the project. Include examples of the project team's previous experience with comparable projects. Examples should emphasize projects conducted in environmentally sensitive areas and working with multiple agencies. The projects should feature minimized mitigation requirements resulting from thoughtful design. Include descriptive information such as the character of the project, the scope of involvement, location of the project, and the completion of the project. Project teams are encouraged to include illustrations or photographs of work designed and/or developed by team members. Provide a description of the firm's method of, and experience in, controlling project costs and schedules. References. Provide a list of at least three current references that have relevant knowledge concerning the project team's ability to manage similar projects. Names, affiliations, addresses, and current telephone numbers of all references must be provided. Please also include a brief description of each reference project, and how it is similar to this one. Project Fee Provide a detailed estimated fee proposal that is divided by phase. The fee proposal should include all anticipated reimbursable expenses as a separate line item, the charge rates of the people who would perform the work (please identify tasks to be performed by sub-consultants), and a standard hourly rate schedule. Provide a description of the key assumptions used to calculate the project fee. If appropriate, identify cost saving strategies as well. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time
Public - State/Provincial
Paving, Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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Alma Bridge Rd, Los Gatos, CA
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RFP Engineering - Alma Bridge Road Wildlife Connectivity Improvements
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