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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Monroe Township, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

The work includes the furnishing of all labor, material, and equipment necessary or required to complete all work set forth in these Specifications. Approximate estimated quantities for the major base bid and alternative work items are summarized as follows: Approx. Estimated Item Quantity Base Bid 1. Mobilization (Local) ............................................................................................. 1 LS 2. Mobilization (NJDOT) ......................................................................................... 1 LS 3. Traffic Control Maintenance & Protection of Traffic Control (Includes Construction Sign) (Local) ................................................................... 1 LS 4. Drums (NJDOT) .................................................................................................. 41 UNITS 5. Traffic Director, Flagger (NJDOT) ...................................................................... 32 HRS 6. Construction Signage (NJDOT) ........................................................................... 182 SF 7. Construction Layout (Local) (Includes Test Pits) ................................................ 1 LS 8. Construction Layout (NJDOT) (Includes Test Pits) ............................................ 1 LS 9. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (Local) (Includes NAG SC150BN Erosion Control Blanket, Soil Stockpile Stabilization) ...................................................... 1 LS 10. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (NJDOT) (Includes NAG SC150BN Erosion Control Blanket, Soil Stockpile Stabilization) ...................................................... 1 LS 11. Contract Closeout (Local) (Includes Final Cleanup) ............................................ 1 LS 12. Contract Closeout (NJDOT) (Includes Final Cleanup) ........................................ 1 LS 13. Clearing Site (Local) (Includes Wooded Area, Selective Clearing, & Understory Clearing) ..................................................................................................... 1 LS 14. Clearing Site (NJDOT) (Includes Chain Link Fence Removal, & Athletic Equipment Removal) .......................................................................................... 1 LS 15. Topsoil Stripping (8" Thick) & Stockpile On-site (Local) ................................... 31,027 SY 16. Topsoil Stripping (8" Thick) & Stockpile On-site (NJDOT) ............................... 3,198 SY 17. Sawcut Pavement (Local) ..................................................................................... 105 LF 18. Excavation, Unclassified & Stockpile On-site (Local) ........................................ 4,523 CY 19. Excavation, Unclassified & Stockpile On-site (NJDOT) .................................... 277 CY 20. Dense Graded Aggregate (DGA), 6" Thick (Local) (Includes Geotextile Fabric/Membrane (For Shared Use Path & Asphalt Pavement)) .......................... 354 SY 21. Dense Graded Aggregate (DGA), 6" Thick (NJDOT) (Includes Geotextile Fabric/Membrane (For Shared Use Path & Asphalt Pavement)) .......................... 1,926 SY 22. Dense Graded Aggregate (DGA), 8" Thick (Local) (Includes Geotextile Fabric (For Stone Access Drive)) .................................................................................... 3,130 SY 23. HMA 9.5M64, Surface Course, 2" Thick (Local) (For Asphalt Pavement & Pavement Restoration) .......................................................................................... 27 TONS 24. HMA 9.5M64, Surface Course, 2" Thick (NJDOT) (For Asphalt Pavement & Pavement Restoration) .......................................................................................... 13 TONS 25. HMA 9.5M64, Surface Course, 3" Thick (NJDOT) (For Shared Use Path) ....... 290 TONS 26. HMA 19M64, Base Course, 4" Thick (Local) (For Asphalt Pavement) .............. 67 TONS 27. HMA 19M64, Base Course, 4" Thick (NJDOT) (For Asphalt Pavement) .......... 13 TONS 28. Concrete Wheel Stops (Local) .............................................................................. 10 UNITS 29. Concrete Sidewalk, 4" Thick (NJDOT) (Includes DGA) .................................... 165 SF 30. Detectable Warning Surface (2' x 4' Panel) (NJDOT) ........................................ 48 SF 31. 3/8" Pea Gravel, 2" Thick (Local) (Includes AASHTO No 57 Aggregate & Geotextile Fabric) ................................................................................................. 1,565 SY 32. Outlet Control Structure (Inlet, Type A) (Local) (Includes Casting & AASHTO No. 57 Aggerate) ................................................................................................... 1 UNIT 33. K5 Sand, 6" Thick (For Infiltration Basin(s)) (Local) (Includes Geotextile Fabric) ................................................................................................................... 105 CY 34. Soil Planting Bed Mixture, 18" Thick (Local) (For Bio-Retention Basin(s)) (Includes Geotextile Fabric) ................................................................................. 585 CY 35. Emergency Spillway (Local) (Includes NAG P300 Type 3 Matting) .................. 3 UNITS 36. 6" Ductile Iron Pipe, Class 52 (Local) (Includes Fittings, Thrust Blocks, Testing, Cleaning) .................................................................................... 235 LF 37. No Item 38. 2" Copper Water Line (Local) (Includes Fittings, Valve(s), Thrust Blocks, Testing, Cleaning) ................................................................................................. 32 LF 39. No Item 40. Chain Link Fence, 6' High (Local) ...................................................................... 2,004 LF 41. Chain Link Fence, 6' High (NJDOT) .................................................................. 841 LF 42. Chain Link Single Swing Gate, 6' High (5' Wide) (Local) ................................ 8 UNITS 43. Chain Link Double Swing Gate, 6' High (10' Wide) (Local) .............................. 2 UNITS 44. Manual Swing Barrier Double Gate (24' Wide) (Local) ...................................... 1 UNIT 45. Traffic Striping, Markings, & Symbols (Local) ................................................... 1 LS 46. Traffic Striping, Markings, & Symbols (NJDOT) ............................................... 1 LS 47. Traffic and Parking Signage (Local) .......................................................... 4 UNITS 48. Traffic and Parking Signage (NJDOT) ...................................................... 5 UNITS 49. Dog Area Signage (Small & Large Dog Area) (Local) ........................................ 4 UNITS 50. Trash & Recycle Receptacle (Local) (Includes Concrete Foundation) ................ 6 UNITS 51. Bicycle Rack (NJDOT) (In-Ground Installation) ................................................ 1 UNIT 52. Park Bench, 6-Ft Length (NJDOT) (Includes Concrete Pad & DGA) ................ 1 UNIT 53. Pet Waste Station (Local) ................................................................................... 4 UNITS 54. Barrier Free Bi-Level Fountain & Dog Bowl (Local) (Includes Concrete Pad & DGA) ................................................................................................................ 1 UNIT 55. Topsoil Respreading (8" Thick) (Local) .............................................................. 23,875 SY 56. Topsoil Respreading (8" Thick) (NJDOT) .......................................................... 4,600 SY 57. Fertilizing, Seeding (Pinelands Turf Seed Mix), Mulching (Local) ..................... 14,152 SY 58. Fertilizing, Seeding (Pinelands Turf Seed Mix), Mulching (NJDOT) ................. 148 SY 59. Fertilizing, Seeding (Ernst Seeds Mix) (Conservation Shade Mix, ERNST-129), Mulching (Local) .................................................................................................. 1,950 SY 60. Fertilizing, Seeding (Ernst Seeds Mix) (Showy Northeast Native Wildflower & Grass Mix ERNMX-153), Mulching (Local) ................................................... 2,266 SY 61. Fertilizing, Seeding (Ernst Seeds Mix) (Showy Northeast Native Wildflower & Grass Mix ERNMX-153), Mulching (NJDOT) ............................................. 82 SY 62. Fertilizing, Seeding (Ernst Seeds Mix) (Raingarden Mix ERNMX-180), Mulching (Local) ................................................................................................ 1,170 SY 63. Fertilizing, Seeding (Pinelands Nursery) (Pollinator Meadow Mix), Mulching (Local) ................................................................................................ 2,901 SY 64. Fertilizing & Seeding (Pinelands Nursery) (Basin Slope Mix) (Local) ............. 2,853 SY 65. Fertilizing, Seeding (Pinelands Nursery) (Native Grass Mix), Mulching (Local) ................................................................................................ 3,266 SY 66. Fertilizing, Seeding (Pinelands Nursery) (Native Grass Mix), Mulching (NJDOT) ............................................................................................ 1,977 SY 67. Quercus phellos, Willow Oak, 2.5-3" cal., B&B (Includes Mulch & Gator Bags) (NJDOT) .................................................................................................... 11 UNITS Bid Alternate No.1 Small and Large Dog Park Package A-1.1. Small Dog Park Package (Local) ......................................................................... 1 LS A-1.2. Large Dog Park Package (Local) ......................................................................... 1 LS Bid Alternate No.2 Park Entrance Monument Sign A-2.1. Park Entrance Monument Sign (Local) (Includes Foundation) ............................ 1 LS Bid Alternate No.3 Conduit Crossing (For Future Use) A-3.1. 4" PVC Sch 40 Pipe (Local) (Includes Trace/Locating Wire, Pull String, & Watertight End Caps ............................................................................................. 294 LF Bid Alternate No.4 Split Rail Fence and Gates A-4.1. Chain Link Fence, 6' High (Local) (Deduct) ....................................................... -1,850 LF A-4.2. Chain Link Fence, 6' High (NJDOT) (Deduct) ................................................... -841 LF A-4.3. Chain Link Double Swing Gate, 6' High (10' Wide) (NJDOT) (Deduct) .......... -2 UNITS A-4.4. Split Rail Fence, 6' High (Local) (Includes Wire Mesh Fabric) .......................... 1,850 LF A-4.5. Split Rail Fence, 6' High (NJDOT) (Includes Wire Mesh Fabric) ...................... 841 LF A-4.6. Split Rail Double Swing Gate, 6' High (10' Wide) (NJDOT) (Includes Wire Mesh Fabric) ......................................................................................................... 2 UNITS Bid Alternate No.5 Export Soil and Respreading Topsoil A-5.1. Export Soil (Local) ............................................................................................... 1,500 CY A-5.2. Export Soil (NJDOT) ........................................................................................... 227 CY A-5.3. Topsoil Respreading (Local) (8" Thick) .............................................................. 1,710 SY A-5.4. Topsoil Respreading (NJDOT) (8" Thick) .......................................................... 2,940 SY Bid Alternate No.6 Watermain Installation A-6.1. 6" C900 PVC (Local) (Includes Fittings, Valve(s), Wet-tap, Thrust Blocks, Caps, Testing, Cleaning) ....................................................................................... 1,455 LF A-6.2. Fire Hydrant (Local) (Includes Fittings, Valve(s), Thrust Blocks, Testing, Cleaning, 6" DIP Class 52) ................................................................................... 1 UNIT Plans A Portion of this project is being funded in part by a New Jersey Department Transportation (NJDOT) FY2018 Bikeway Program. Bids must be made on the standard Proposal form in the manner designated therein and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder and the name of the project on the outside, addressed to Monroe Township, and must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Bid Bond or Cashier's Check drawn to the order of the Township of Monroe for ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid, provided said security need not be more than $20,000.00. All bid guarantees shall be accompanied by an executed consent from an approved surety company, licensed to conduct business in the State of New Jersey, agreeing to furnish the required Performance, Payment and Maintenance Bond upon the award of contract. The signed Proposal forms and bid security must be delivered to the place on or before the hour named above. The accepted bidder must sign the contract within ten (10) days after the Notice of Award or forfeit his bid security. Bid securities will be returned to all but the three apparent lowest responsible bidders. All other bid securities will be returned after awarding and signing of the contract and approval of the Contractor's Performance Bond. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27. The prevailing Wage Act, Chapter 150, Laws of 1963, applies to this proposal. The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in part, or to make awards to such bidder or bidders, who, in the judgment of Monroe Township makes the most advantageous bid and to waive such informalities as may be permitted by law.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Monroe Township, NJ

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