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Published March 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salt Lake City, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The State of Utah, Division of Purchasing has issued this RFSQ to obtain statements of qualifications from companies interested in providing professional engineering and related services for the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program (AMRP). The services requested cover an array of tasks to assist the State in planning an abandoned underground mine abatement project. This includes a site investigation, subsequent investigation report, engineering design, and oversight of construction mitigation and GIS services. It is anticipated that this RFSQ/SOIQ will result in a contract award to the responsive and responsible vendor who is the most qualified. Evaluations will be conducted according to the State of Utah Procurement Code 63G-6a-1503.5 and awarded according to 63G-6a- 1505: 63G-6a-1503.5 Evaluation of statements of qualifications. consultant to provide this service. (1) An evaluation committee appointed under Section 63G-6a-1503 shall evaluate and score each responsive statement of qualifications that has not been eliminated from consideration under this chapter, using the criteria described in the request for statement of qualifications. (2) Criteria not described in the request for statement of qualifications may not be used to evaluate a statement of qualifications. (3) An evaluation committee may enter into discussions or conduct interviews with, or attend presentations by, the design professionals whose statements of qualifications are under consideration. (4) An evaluation committee shall rank the top three highest scoring design professionals, in order of their scores, for the purpose of entering into fee negotiations as provided in (5) If fewer than three responsible design professionals submit statements of qualifications that are determined to be responsive, the procurement official shall issue a written determination explaining why it is in the best interest of the procurement unit to continue the fee negotiation and the contracting process with less than three design professionals. (6) (a) The deliberations of an evaluation committee may be held in private. (b) If the evaluation committee is a public body, as defined in Section 52-4-103, the evaluation committee shall comply with Section 52-4-205 in closing a meeting for its deliberations. 63G-6a-1505. Determination of compensation for design professional services. (1) The procurement officer shall award a contract to the qualified design professional whose statement of qualifications was awarded the highest score under Subsection 63G-6a-1503(4) by the evaluation committee, at compensation that the procurement officer determines, in writing, to be fair and reasonable to the procurement unit. (2) In making the determination described in Subsection (1), the procurement officer shall take into account: (a) the estimated value, scope, and professional nature of the services; and (b) the complexity of the project or services. (3) If the procurement officer is unable to agree to a satisfactory contract with the highest scoring design professional, at a price the procurement officer determines to be fair and reasonable to the procurement unit, the procurement officer shall: (a) formally terminate discussions with that design professional; and (b) undertake discussions with the second highest scoring, qualified design professional. (4) If the procurement officer is unable to agree to a satisfactory contract with the second highest scoring design professional, at a price the procurement officer determines to be fair and reasonable to the procurement unit, the procurement officer shall:(a) formally terminate discussions with that design professional; and (b) undertake discussions with the third highest scoring, qualified design professional. (5) If the procurement officer is unable to award a contract at a fair and reasonable price to any of the highest scoring design professionals, the procurement officer shall: (a) select additional design professionals; and (b) continue discussions in accordance with this part until an agreement is reached. Question Submission Close Date - 2/28/2022 2:00 PM MST If you need more information on this event, please contact: Jeff Hammer jhammer@utah.gov The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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September 2, 2022


Multiple Locations, Salt Lake City, UT

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