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Published April 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Mableton, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Project was awarded to The Cobb County School District (CCSD) is seeking quotes to furnish and install a fully sprung dance floor for Lindley Middle School. 2.1 Vendor shall furnish and install a 1600 sf (48'6"x 33') Robbins Le Lena A with a Forever Marley floor system (No Substitutions) consisting of: 2.1.1 6 Mil Poly 2.1.2 Robbins Zero G full foam blanket 2.1.3 2 layers of 1/2 " sheathing 2.1.4 Robbins Forever Marley (seamless, poured urethane system) 2.1.5 Threshold cover plates at all 3 doorways and vented wall base at perimeter 2.2 Pricing shall include material, delivery, labor, on-site installation, and removal of old flooring. Prices must contain all shipping charges, no extra fees, or surcharges, including fuel, will be allowed with this contract. 2.3 Awarded vendor must coordinate with Joseph Woodrow, 770-426-3404 with CCSD to schedule delivery and installation. 2.4 Delivery includes unloading materials from truck and moving to designated area inside the building. The disposal of all debris and trash must meet all requirements of federal, state, and county regulations/laws. Vendor will not be allowed to use CCSD or General Contractors dumpsters for disposal purposes. 2.5 All employees of the vendor shall be required to wear (prominently displayed) an identification badge while on CCSD property. All employees shall sign in (date and time) at the front desk on CCSD property, notifying authorized representative of project. Upon leaving the project, all employees must sign out (date and time). 2.6 Awarded vendor shall be responsible for satisfactory replacement or repair of any damage that occurs during this contracted work and must be reported immediately to a CCSD representative. Damages must be repaired or replaced at no cost to CCSD. Any damage that is considered a safety issue must be repaired on the same day. The replacement or repair must be completed within 30 days and to the satisfaction of a CCSD authorized representative.




Public - County


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