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Published February 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Groton, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

1. Work to be performed includes but is not limited to "electric line clearance on energized lines, as well as removal of trees and related tree pruning activities along the public ways and the public properties of the City and Town of Groton and Towns of Bozrah, Lebanon, Montville and Salem located in the State of Connecticut. 2. The tree trimming Contractor will perform work in Groton Utilities and Bozrah Light and Power Company utility franchise areas only. 3. The Contractor will provided tree-trimming services for a minimum of 48 weeks out of 52 weeks per year during the contract period. The Contractor will not be paid for any work not performed. 4. The successful bidder will supply four (4) full time (40 hours per week) tree-trimming crews. Two (2) tree trimming crews will be assigned to work in the Groton Utilities service territory while two (2) tree trimming crews will be assigned to work in the Bozrah Light and Power Company service territory. At times, all four (4) tree trimming crews will be assigned to one location either in Groton or Bozrah Light and Power service territories. There will be one supervisor assigned to the four crews. 5. All work will be performed in compliance with current A.N.S.I. Standard Z-133 and Nation Arborist Association (NAA) Pruning Standards. 6. The Contractor will provide one ground-man per tree crew in order to provide traffic duty for each tree trimming crew. 7. When needed, Police and Traffic duty personnel will be the responsibility of Groton Utilities / Bozrah Light and Power. Groton Utilities / Bozrah Light and Power will pay for costs associated with traffic duty. 8. Work to be performed will be presented to the Contractor on a daily basis. It will include, but is not limited to, the following items: Electric Line Clearance Tree Removals Safety Pruning Storm Damage Miscellaneous Work Performance bond is not required for this bid. The successful bidder must hold all prices firm for the contract period. The City reserves the right to delete or reduce the scope of work described in this RFP in order to bring the cost within available funds. Any modifications to this RFP before the submission deadline, including, without limitation, additions, deletions clarifications or corrections will be issued electronically to all prospective respondents by way of written addendum. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals received, or any part thereof, and to waive defects in same and to accept any Proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the City after a review of all factors, terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, price.


Power Plant

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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