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Published May 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Worcester, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Learning Communities Phase 1. Framing, drywall, carpet tile and vinyl tile flooring, acoustical tile ceilings, painting. HVAC and Electrical work. Revisions sprinkler system and plumbing work. The project includes the renovation of approximately 4,207 square feet of interior space within the UMass Chan Medical Building. The existing space is demolished. Renovations involve the construction of roughly 4 meeting rooms, 4 offices, and 2 large open common rooms. Work includes framing and drywall, carpet tile and vinyl tile flooring, acoustical tile ceilings, and painting. New HVAC work will include air distribution, chilled beams and radiant heat throughout the space. Electrical work will include new power and programmable LED lights throughout the space. Project will also involve revisions to and existing fire sprinkler system and plumbing work to create new temporary break room. Project will require extensive work outside of normal working hours. C. Work under Separate but Related Contracts: 1. Telephone/Data cabling and termination. 2. Security access card reader system. 3. HVAC Controls / Building Management Systems. 4. Modular furniture systems, including office furniture and cubicles. 5. Modular glazed wall and doors systems. 6. Door coring and keying. 7. Signage 8. Glazing Privacy Film Work on the project includes Renovation of interior space within Chan Medical Building. Renovations include roughly 4 meeting rooms, 4 offices, and 2 large open common rooms. Work includes framing and drywall, carpet tile and vinyl tile flooring, acoustical tile ceilings, and painting. New HVAC work will include air distribution, chilled beams, and radiant heat throughout the space. Electrical work will include new power and programmable LED lights throughout the space. Project will also involve revisions to and existing fire sprinkler system and plumbing work to create new temporary break room

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55 N Lake Ave, Worcester, MA

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