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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in West Lafayette, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This work is estimated by the Department of Administration, Public Works Division to be less than $150,000.00. Bid must comply with the below listed requirements and utilize DAPW Form 35. Prequalification is not required. When the bidder adds any provision reserving the right to accept or reject the award, or if the bidder adds conditions or alternates to his bid not requested (voluntary alternates), or if there are unauthorized additions or irregularities of any kind which tend to make the proposal incomplete, indefinite or ambiguous as to its meaning or amount. Alternate amount(s) shall be listed where indicated. Add Alternates are not to be included in the Base Quotation Scope of Work. Deduct Alternates are to be included in the Base Bid Scope of Work. Unit prices and/or Equipment List shall be included with quotation as required and signed. Note that signing this document is acknowledgment of procurement of all addenda and certification by bidder that the quote recognized all items in all addenda. The Contractor shall perform a minimum of 15% of the value of work (measured in dollars of the total contract price) with his own forces, and not more than 85% of the value of work is to be subcontracted. Prior to execution of the Contract, the State of Indiana will issue to the successful Bidder a letter stating that his bid was the lowest responsible and responsive bid and that the enclosed contract document is submitted to him for his consideration. If he finds it in accordance with the bid documents, it is to be returned to Public Works Division by certified mail or in person within ten (10) calendar days after receipt for further execution and with the caution that a contract will not exist until it is signed by all signatories required



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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3851 N River Rd, West Lafayette, IN

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