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Published March 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Hagerstown, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

SCOPE OF WORK The selected Offeror: o Shall furnish and install a NEW oil-fired domestic hot water heater with burner unit, supplying all equipment, parts and labor to replace an existing oil fired domestic hot water heater on Cottage #5 at the Potomac Center in Hagerstown, Maryland. o Must ensure that the new unit works in the existing space/area and will use existing fuel, electric and flue vent. o The New Oil Fired Hot Water Heater with Burner Unit must meet or exceed the following specifications: o Commercial Domestic Oil Fired Hot Water Heater with Burner Unit, vertical fire tube design that is constructed and stamped in accordance with Section IV, Part HLV of the ASME code o Water Heater shall be National Board Registered for a working pressure of 150 psi and pressure tested at 1- 1/2 times working pressure. o Capacity: 84 gallon o Input: 315000 BTU/HR o Recovery Rating: (100 - Deg. Rise) 313 U.S. GAL/HR o Fuel: #2 Fuel Oil o Firing Rate: 2.25 U.S. GAL/HR o Electrical: 120V AC 60HZ o Overall Height Maximum: 75" o Overall Width Maximum: 30" o Overall Depth Including Burner Unit Maximum: 50" o Must provide and install new hot and cold water supply ball valves and dielectric unions. o Must provide and install all necessary connections to existing plumbing, electric, and oil lines. o Must provide and install new barometric damper, Tee, and flue between water heater and stainless steel flue at ceiling. o All demoed plumbing materials are to be left on site. o Must provide all permits needed to replace the water heater. o Fire and test equipment for proper operation, provide combustion analysis to the facility. o Check for water leaks under operating pressure. o Provide Boiler inspection if required to commission the unit for operation. o Install is to be completed within one business day to limit hot water outage to residents. o Existing water heater will be removed prior to the vendor's arrival. o The Contractor shall schedule and coordinate all work with the Facility on-site representative (Potomac Center Maintenance Staff). o All work is to be done in coordination with Potomac Center Maintenance Staff during a normal business day, Monday - Friday, excluding State Holidays. A scheduled site visit will be available for interested Offerors. Please reference Attachment B titled, "Site Visit Request Form" for date, time, and details about how to sign up to attend. The site visit is not mandatory. CONTRACT TERM A single contract will be awarded to the Offeror that best meets the needs of the evaluation criteria. The anticipated term of the contract resulting from this solicitation will begin on ____March 7, 2022_____, and the selected Offeror will have sixty (60) days after contract award to complete the delivery and installation of the new oil-fired domestic hot water heater. *The list of planholders and/or interested bidders is not being tracked by the stakeholders involved with this project. If you are an interested contractor and wish to be listed as a bidder, please notify our editorial staff at addtobidlist@constructconnect.com.

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March 4, 2022

March 7, 2022


1380 Marshall St, Hagerstown, MD

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