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Published April 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Alpena, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

2024 North Second Avenue Infrastructure Upgrades.This project includes, but is not limited to, Water main installation, sanitary sewer main installation, water and sewer services, street reconstruction including concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway, HMA surface Questions regarding the bid contents should be directed to the City of Alpena Engineering Department via letter, written facsimile (989) 354-1709 or e-mail to engineer@alpena.mi.us. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the work in accordance with the specifications. A bid bond provided by a surety company authorized to do business in the state, or the equivalent in cash, or otherwise supplied in a form satisfactory to the City for a sum of not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the minimum base bid will be required with each proposal submitted where the cost estimated by the bidder exceeds $35,000. The City reserves the right to require bid security for bids under $35,000 when the circumstances warrant. Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond When a contract is awarded in excess of $35,000, a Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond shall be required. These bonds or security shall be delivered to the City and shall become binding on the parties upon the execution of the contract. A. Performance Bond: A bond satisfactory to the City, executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state or otherwise secured in a manner satisfactory to the City, in an amount equal to 100% of the price specified in the contract; and B. Labor and Material Payment Bond: A bond satisfactory to the City, executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state or otherwise secured in a manner satisfactory to the City for the protection of all persons supplying labor and material to the contractor or its subcontractors for the performance of the work provided for in the contract. The bond shall be in an amount equal to 100% of the price specified in the contract. The City reserves the right to require these bonds and security when the contract does not exceed $35,000 when the circumstances warrant. The City further reserves the right to require, regardless of contract amount, additional bonds and security including, but not limited to, the bond required by sidewalk contractors when circumstances warrant. Work under this agreement shall start within ten (10) days or on an agreed upon date after the receipt of the executed contract, which shall serve as the notice to proceed and shall be completed by the following date: June 30 2025. Five Hundred ($500) dollars per day will be deducted from monies due the Contractor for each calendar day, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, that the work remains uncompleted beyond the completion date. Written extensions will be reviewed and may be approved by the City Engineer with justifications. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities in bids and to accept any bids which in the opinion of the City Council may be most advantageous to the City of Alpena and/or in accordance with the City's "Award Process" and other bidding documents.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Alpena, MI

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2024 North Second Avenue Infrastructure Upgrades

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