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Published July 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bothell, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Northshore School District #417 (NSD) is preparing to perform capital improvements during the years of 2022 through 2026 after passage of the 2022 Capital Improvements Bond. The district is requesting a Statement of Qualifications from architectural, engineering, landscape architectural and surveying firms interested in working with the district during this period. Firms with the following areas of expertise will be considered: Architecture, Civil, Control Systems, Electrical, Environmental, Fire Protection, Geotechnical, Heavy Civil, Hydrologist, Landscape, Mechanical, Structural, Surveying and Transportation. NSD will put interested firms on our Professional Services roster organized by category. As a project or set of projects is established, we will reach out to select firms and conduct an evaluation to determine the firm most qualified to provide the services required for the proposed project(s). The district will negotiate a contract with the most qualified firm at a price which the agency determines is fair and reasonable to the agency. In making the determination, the district shall take into account the estimated value of services to be rendered as well as the scope and complexity. If the district is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm selected, negotiations shall be terminated and the district will continue negotiations with other firms until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated altogether. Responses should include, at a minimum, the following: Company contact information. Project team that will work with the district. Include a summary of their work background with a focus on K-12 experience, as applicable. If no K-12 experience, explain how your team can help fit our needs in your discipline. Note who will be the main point of contact. Company s project background with a focus on K-12 experience, as applicable. If no K-12 experience, explain how your firm can help fit our needs in your discipline. Experience with jurisdictions in or around NSD (Snohomish County, King County, City of Bothell, City of Woodinville, City of Kenmore). If this is not applicable to your firm s discipline, provide a brief explanation why it is not. Names of professional partnerships that have demonstrated a recent history of successful school district projects. If no K-12 experience, explain how your firm has recently developed professional partnerships for successful project completion. What is your experience with the GC/CM, EC/CM, MC/CM, WSSP, Design Build and ESCO processes in K-12 If no K-12 experience or experience with these processes, explain how your firm can help fit our needs in your discipline. List specific areas of operational costs savings in K-12 projects you designed over the last five years. If no K-12 experience, explain how your firm has implemented cost savings with other projects. Describe your firm s ability to meet stringent timelines and provide examples. Describe your company s experience with designing or involvement in complicated, multi-phased/multi-year projects where existing structures/campuses must be kept operational while the construction of a project is occurring, as applicable to your firm s discipline. Minority and women-owned and veteran-owned firms are encouraged to apply and will be afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to compete for and obtain contracts for services. Please contact the following if there are additional questions or you need more information: Paul Field Assistant Fiscal Director of Support Services (425) 408-7866 pfield@nsd.org The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 7, 2022


Multiple Locations, Bothell, WA

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