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Site work and paving for a civil project in Seymour, Wisconsin. Working plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

As of March 23, 2022, bids were rejected. Robins Street project will be rebid. The City of Seymour acting through its City Council, hereby gives notice that sealed Bids will be received in the City of Seymour City Hall for the following described project. PROJECT - The work shall consist of reconstruction of public utilities and street reconstruction including milling and repaving, and curb and gutter removal and replacement. The project(s) include approximately 3,000 feet of storm sewer, approximately 4,000 feet of water main and approximately 2,000 feet sanitary sewer utility and lateral construction. Milling approximately 4,000 square yards and repaving of approximately 12,000 square yards. Work on the project shall also include erosion controls, and landscaping/restoration. Bids will be received on the following Contract: Contract No. S0002-09-21- 00803 2022 UTILITY & STREET CONSTRUCTION Lincoln Street - High Street | Schmidt Avenue | Robbins Street BIDS - All Bids shall be addressed to John Schoen, Director of Public Works, City of Seymour, 328 N. Main Street, Seymour, Wisconsin 54165. Bids shall be sealed and shall have the name and address of the Bidder and the Contract for which the Bid is being submitted on the outside of the envelope. All Bidders shall Bid in accord ance with and upon the Bid Forms included in the Contract Documents. EXAMINATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS - The Project Documents are on file for inspection at the offices of McMahon Associates, Inc., 1445 McMahon Drive, Neenah, Wisconsin 54956. BID REJECTION - The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, waive any informalities in Bidding or to accept the Bid or Bids which best serves the interests of the City of Seymour. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS - No Bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 60-days after the scheduled opening without the consent of the OWNER. GOVERNING LAWS & REGULATIONS - The Contract letting shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 66.0901, 66.0903 and 779.14 of the Wisconsin Statutes. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) - Any Contract or Contracts awarded under this Advertisement For Bids are expected to be funded in part from the ARPA Funds. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in NR.166, Wisconsin Adminis tra tive Code and appropriate State Statues. Requirements set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations 2 CFR Appendix II Part 200, sections included in the Specification Manual. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES - The City of Seymour encourages Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), including Minority-Owned Businesses (MBE) and Women-Owned Businesses (WBE), to submit Bids. Any Contract or Contracts awarded under this Advertisement For Bids shall demonstrate positive efforts to utilize Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Businesses. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in NR.166. Published by the authority of the City of Seymour acting through its City Council.

Final Planning

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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March 15, 2022

September 23, 2022


Multiple Locations, Seymour, WI

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