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Published November 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in State College, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) is excited to begin the CM selection process for an anticipated forthcoming Capital Plan project supporting the College of Engineering Master Plan. The Sackett Building Renovation and Additions project involves a complex sequence of work on the core campus, including significant utility infrastructure upgrades (while maintaining operations), demolition of the Engineering Units, Kunkle Lounge, Hammond Building, and the 1957 Sackett Building wings, and appropriate landscaping restoration of the precinct ready for future development. The University intends to engage a Construction Management Agency (CM-Agent) firm to provide preconstruction and construction services for the project described above. The construction will most likely be funded by DGS. Construction will start tentatively in August 2024. The program validation and design are just getting started. The Design Phase will be complete by August 2024, and construction will be done by December 2026. Interim phases must happen along the way, such as moving the occupants out of the Hammond Building, the Units, and Sackett Building after West 1 is complete in January 2024. (Hammond Building will be utilized for additional swing space as needed during the Sackett renovation to house the Dean Suite, for example, until it can move into the finished Sackett Building.) Abatement, demolition, and utility infrastructure projects must also happen sequentially and linearly, part and partial, with the Sackett Building Renovation and Additions project. The demolition of the Hammond Building is the last of the construction sequence in 2027. The University reserves the right to waive any informality in any or all proposals, and to reject or accept any proposal or portion thereof. The University's intent is to identify the firm that provides the best overall fit with the perceived need. Additionally, the above dates are target dates established by the University. The University reserves the right to modify the dates as/if it deems necessary.




Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Paving, Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, State College, PA

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RFQ Construction Manager - Sackett Building Renovation and Additions - University Park Campus

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