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Published March 30, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Stratford, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Town of Stratford ( Town ) is seeking bids from qualified contractors to supply and deliver estimated 1,500 cubic yards of sand to Short Beach, 1 Dorne Drive, Stratford, CT. The awarded bidder ( Contractor ) must be able to demonstrate that the material is suitable for use as beach sand and that the material is readily available. The Town reserves the right to inspect the material prior to award of bid. Contractor will be required to deliver to Short Beach with multiple drop sites. Additional deliveries may be required throughout the season as more material is needed. Bid price must include delivery and all fuel surcharges. The Town intends to award a twelve month contract with four (4) one-year optional renewal terms. Each renewal term may be extended at the sole discretion of the Town. Bonds are not required to be submitted. All submissions shall remain firm for a period not less than (90) days from the bid due date and may not be withdrawn, unless such period is extended in writing and agreeable to both parties. All questions concerning conditions and specifications should be directed in writing to: Phillip Ryan, Purchasing Agent: PRyan@townofstratford.com Price proposals shall remain firm for a period not less than (90) days from the bid due date and may not be withdrawn, unless such period is extended in writing and agreeable to both parties. The Contractor for the work described shall be thoroughly familiar with the requirements of all specifications. The submission of a proposal shall be construed as evidence that the Contractor has examined the actual job conditions, requirements, and specifications. Any claim for labor, equipment or materials required, or difficulties encountered, which could have been foreseen had such an examination been carefully made, will not be recognized. Prices must remain firm from date of award through the first (12) months of the contract period. After the initial (12) months of the contract period, prices will be subject to increase at the twelve (12) month minimum intervals, in labor costs. The Town reserves the right to reject any requested price increase deemed excessive in the opinion of the Town and cancel the contract. The Contractor must submit a formal request for an increase to the Purchasing Department, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the effective price increase date. The request shall contain the date the increase takes effect. No retroactive price increases will be allowed.


Golf Course

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 22, 2022

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1 Dorne Dr, Stratford, CT

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