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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Onalaska, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The doing of the following public works: ITEMS OF BID Gullickson Tennis Court 780 L.F. of crack repair Armor Patch 4,466 S.Y. tennis court resurfacing 1 L.S. tennis court striping Oak Park Pickleball Court 478 L.F. of crack repair Armor Patch 1,666 S.Y. pickleball court resurfacing 1 L.S. pickleball court striping 4 Each sawcut & remove existing net posts 8 Each install net posts **Plus Additional Misc. Appurtenances The above public work will be let to the lowest responsible bidder and shall be performed in accordance with the plans and specifications for the same now on file with the City Clerk for the inspection of bidders and in accordance with the prepared form of contract and bond also on file with said Clerk. The City of Onalaska reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informalities in bidding. Sealed bids only, will be received. No bid shall be received unless accompanied by a Certificate of Organization and Authority, a list of any subcontractors, approval of pre-qualification, and a certified check or a bid bond equal to at least 5% not more than 10% of the bid payable to the City as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted the bidder will execute and file the proper contract and bonds within the time limited by the City. Bidders Proof of Responsibility form must be filed in the Office of the City Clerk not later than 5:00 PM on the 18th day of March, 2022, and show sufficient financial ability, equipment, and experience to properly perform the contract. The Council s decision as to qualification shall be final. Bids will be accepted only, from such qualified bidders. The Advertisement for Bids, Notice to Contractors, the Information to Bidders, the Bid Proposal, the Certificate of Organization and Authority, the Performance and Payment Bond, the General Conditions, Minimum Wage Scale, Specifications, Plans, Addenda (if any), and all ordinances of the City applicable to this contract shall be considered a part of the contract. All bidders shall inform themselves of the current municipal wage scale for public works, and they shall be required to pay minimum rates of pay as established by the Common Council of the City of Onalaska. The time for commencement of the work shall begin not later than ten (10) days after date of written notification from the engineer to do so, unless otherwise stipulated and completion shall be no later than August 9, 2022.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

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March 22, 2022

July 1, 2022


710 Hilltopper Dr, Onalaska, WI

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