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Published March 2, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Duluth, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this sources sought is to gain knowledge of potential sources including interested Small Business sources. This notice is for planning purposes only. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this notice or any follow up information requests. All interested parties should respond. The United States Property & Fiscal Office (USPFO), Minnesota National Guard, intends to solicit for Non-Personal Architect-Engineer (A-E) Services Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract for the Duluth, MN location in support of the 148th Fighter Wing. Official solicitations will be posted in accordance with Public Law 92-582 (Selection of A-E Statute) and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 36. Selection of A-E firms will not be based upon competitive bidding procedures, but rather upon the professional qualifications necessary for the performance of the required services in accordance with FAR 36.6. The AE firm must be capable of responding to and working on multiple task orders concurrently. As a result of this announcement, the Minnesota National Guard intends to award one Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to provide A-E services in support of Air National Guard (ANG) mission requirements located at the 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, MN. These are not requirements contracts. All firms responding to this announcement are cautioned to review FAR 9.5 - Organizational and Consultant Conflicts of interest; and FAR 36.209 - Construction Contracts with Architect-Engineer firms. A second notice is being posted for the Minnesota National Guard, 133rd Airlift Wing, St. Paul, MN location. Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Task Orders may be awarded for a period of one (1) year from the contract award date. The contract will also include an option clause to extend for four (4) one year option periods. If all options are exercised the contract cannot exceed $10 million. The option year(s) fee limitations are synonymous with those established in the initial year. The minimum total fee guaranteed to each contract awardee is $2,500.00. Work will be issued by negotiated firm-fixed price task orders. Task orders will be primarily for projects with a construction value that typically result in an A-E task order less than $500,000. Anticipated A-E services for Duluth, MN may include but are not be limited to performance of planning, master planning, and program support; A-E investigative and design services including development of construction documents; construction support; engineering and environmental studies, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation; investigations and surveys in support of the Air National Guard Programs. Typical work may include, but is not specifically limited to: A: the preparation of plans, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates; B: the development of cost management, quality control and quality assurance plans; C: construction inspection, testing and management services; D: development of engineering standards; E: preparations for design submissions; F: technical, economic, planning, environmental, value engineering and other studies, analyses, surveys, investigations, and reports; G: development of performance criteria for bridging documents for design build projects; H: development of documents to support various government construction programs; I: commissioning services; J: comprehensive interior design. Services may also include, but are not limited to; architectural; mechanical, electrical, civil and structural engineering; cost estimating; and specification writing services but may also necessitate, but is not limited to geotechnical, toning/subsurface mapping, environmental, industrial hygienist, fire protection, historic preservation and archaeological monitoring, surveying, space planner/interior designer, landscape architect or designer, construction manager/inspector, Critical Path Method (CMP) schedule expertise, sustainability accredited professional, and other disciplines with specialized experience for construction, repair and alteration of multi-use facilities and base utilities/pavements. Additionally, task orders may be issued for support services which require A-E Services as defined in FAR 2.101. THERE IS NO SYNOPSIS OR SOLICITATION AT THIS TIME. This request for capability information does not constitute a request for proposals; submission of any information in response to this sources sought is purely voluntary; the government assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred. If your firm has the potential capacity to perform these contract services, please provide the following information: All interested concerns will provide this office, in writing, a notice stating their positive intent to submit a proposal as a prime contractor no later than 16 March 2022. This notification, shall not exceed five typewritten pages, must include: (1) Positive statement of intent to propose as a prime contractor. (2) Organization name, address, email address, Web site address, telephone number, and size and type of ownership (small business, Hubzone, large, etc.) for the organization. Please also verify current SAM registration and include DUNS number and Cage Code. (3) A listing of projects completed during the past six years, both for government and private industry. The type of project, dollar value, contract number, location, and point of contact are to be included. Indicate if you were prime or subcontractor, and if subcontractor, provide the name and point of contact for the prime contractor. (4) A brief outline of resources, subcontractors, and key personnel that would be used to accomplish the contract. Tailored capability statements addressing the particulars of this resort, with appropriate documentation supporting claims of organizational and staff capability. If significant subcontracting or teaming is anticipated in order to deliver technical capability, organizations should address the administrative and management structure of such arrangements. In the event adequate Small Business contractors are not available for adequate competition for this project, it may be advertised as unrestricted. Information shall be provided via email to: Tracy White, tracy.l.white7.mil@army.mil. Include the following in the subject line - "Sources Sought, A&E IDIQ - Duluth, MN". No facsimile responses will be honored. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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