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Published March 4, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dover, Delaware. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Deadline for Questions Date: March 18, 2022 Response to Questions Posted by Date: March 25, 2022 Estimated Notification of Award Date: April 29, 2022 Each proposal must be accompanied by a transmittal letter which briefly summarizes the proposing firm's interest in providing the required professional services. The transmittal letter must also clearly state and justify any exceptions to the requirements of the RFP which the applicant may have taken in presenting the proposal. (Applicant exceptions must also be recorded on Attachment 3). Furthermore, the transmittal letter must attest to the fact, at a minimum, that the Vendor shall not store or transfer non-public State of Delaware data outside of the United States. A mandatory pre-bid meeting has not been established for this Request for Proposal. The selected consultant(s) will advise and assist the Department regarding the possible development of offshore wind to serve Delaware and the grid impacts of offshore wind interconnections in Delaware. 1) Assist and advise DNREC staff on follow up on the findings, recommendations, and questions from the Offshore Wind Working Group report. 2) Assist and advise DNREC staff on follow up on the findings and recommendations from the report from the Special Initiative on Offshore Wind. 3) Assist and advise DNREC staff on the analysis of energy markets and rate impacts of offshore wind. 4) Assist and advise DNREC staff on identifying the barriers and opportunities involved in developing offshore wind to serve Delaware. 5) Assist and advise DNREC staff on transmission issues relating to the development of offshore wind connecting into Delaware and the PJM grid. 6) Assist and advise DNREC staff on identifying and implementing possible paths forward for procurement of offshore wind to serve Delaware. 7) Assist and advise DNREC staff on reviewing the pertinent laws and regulations governing the development of renewable energy and offshore wind to serve Delaware. 8) Assist and advise DNREC staff on possible legislation relating to renewable energy and offshore wind to serve Delaware. 9) Assist and advise DNREC staff in planning and implementing public engagement on offshore wind issues. Some travel to meetings in Delaware and elsewhere may be required. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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