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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

The work includes the construction of approximately: 207,000 CY Common Excavation & Site Grading 3 EA Construct Outlet Control Structure 172,000 Ton Channel & Pond Excavation 9,340 LF 6" - 12" PVC Sanitary Sewer 30,250 Ton Aggregate Base, Class 5 30 EA PVC Wye Branch 2,318 Ton Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mix (SPWEA230B) 780 LF Construct Drainage Str., Design 4007C 3,352 Ton Type SP 12.5 Non-Wearing Course Mix (SPNWB230B) 8,620 LF 6" - 12" PVC Watermain, C-900 14,660 LF 6" - 12" Drain Tile 5,500 LF 12" PVC Pipe - Trenchless Installation 42,690 SF 4" - 6" Concrete Walk 490 LF 24" Casing - Trenchless Instal lation 10,680 LF Concrete Curb & Gutter, Design B618 56 EA 6" - 12" Gate Valve & Box 135 AC Permanent & Temporary Seeding 23 EA Hydrant 6,420 LF 12" - 36" RC Pipe Sewer 27 EA 1" Corporation Stop & Saddle 137 LF Construct Drainage Str., Design 48-4020 to 96-4020 1 LS Lift Station 9 LF Construct Drainage Str., Design 48-4022 to 60-4022 2 EA Air Release Manholes 187 LF Construct Drainage Str., Design Special 2 x 3 5,880 LF 8" Forcemain together with numerous related items of work, all in accordance with Plans and Spec ifications. This project is subject to Prevailing Wage Rates, Responsible Contractor Certification. COMPLETION OF WORK: All work under the Contract must be complete by July 26, 2024. A certified check or proposal bond in the amount of not less than 5 percent of the total amount bid, drawn in favor of City of Redwood Falls shall accompany each bid. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregu larities and informalities therein and to award the Contract to other than the lowest bidder if, in their discretion, the interest of the Owner would be best served thereby. Estimated Range $10-$12 million *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Redwood Falls, MN

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