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Site work and paving for a civil project in Lewiston, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

Project Category Code: Aggregate, Pavement - Marking, Culverts, Waterways, Stormwater Channels, Construction, Street/Road Asphalt Resurfacing and Milling, Street/Road Asphalt Milling, Erosion Control/Slope, Bank Stabilization, Traffic Control, Grade and Surface, Pavement Removal, Asphalt Pulverizing, Traffic Control Devices (Signals, Signing, etc.), Street/Road Materials, Erosion Control - Temporary, Stormwater Improvements, Paving (Asphalt or Concrete), Highway Appurtenances, Traffic Control/Flagging, Miscellaneous, Roadway Pavement Markings, Street/Roadway Reconstruction , Asphalt Overlay, Street/Road Pavement Marking, Grubbing & Clearing, Paving (Highway, Road or Street) Description: CSAH 14 Bituminous Overlay & Culvert Lining LINING OF EXISTING CULVERTS & BITUMINOUS SURFACE OVERLAY Including Bituminous Surfacing, Aggregate Shouldering, Milling Bituminous Surface, Culvert Lining, Traffic Control, and Striping. CSAH 29 Bituminous Relamation & Overlay with Culverts BITUMINOUS RECLAMATION, EXCAVATION, CULVERT INSTALLATION & LINING & BITUMINOUS SURFACING Including Bituminous Surfacing, Bituminous Stabilized Base, Miscellaneous Removals, Excavation, Aggregate Base & Shouldering, Borrow, Random Riprap, CS & HPP Culvert & Aprons, Lining of Culverts, Removal/Salvage/Reinstall Guardrail & End Treatments, Traffic Control, Erosion Control, Turf Establishment and Striping. CR 106 Reconstruction & Bituminous Surfacing EXCAVATION, CULVERT INSTALLATION & BITUMINOUS SURFACING Including Excavation & Embankment, Bituminous Surfacing, Miscellaneous Removals, Aggregate Base & Shouldering, Random Riprap, RC & CS Culvert & Aprons, Mailbox Salvage & Reinstallation, Traffic Control, Erosion Control, Turf Establishment and Striping. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES OF WORK: CSAH 14 Bituminous Overlay & Culvert Lining MOBILIZATION - 1 LS; AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 1 - 533 TON; MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2.0" - 42 SY; TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) - 1,399 TON; CLEAN PIPE CULVERT - 165 LF; LINING PIPE CULVERT 18" & 24" - 165 LF; TRAFFIC CONTROL - 1 LS; 4" SOLID & BROKEN LINE PAINT - 16,251 LF and Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Items required for a Complete Project. CSAH 29 Bituminous Reclamation & Overlay with Culverts MOBILIZATION - 1 LS; REMOVE PIPE APRON - 12 EACH; SALVAGE ENERGY ABSORBING TERMINAL - 4 EACH; SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) - 24 LF; REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS - 212 LF; SALVAGE GUARDRAIL-PLATE BEAM - 1549 LF; SALVAGE GUARDRAIL-BULL NOSE - 36 LF; COMMON EXCAVATION - 1,242 CY; COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) - 4,491 CY; GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 - 400 SY; AGGREGATE SURFING CLASS 1 - 4,641 TON; DOZER - 13 HOUR; AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 & CLASS 5 MODIFIED - 14,673 TON; FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION - 56,907 SY; STABILIZED FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION - 56,445 SY; BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE - 80 TON; MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2.0" - 55 SY; BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR FOG SEAL - 6,829 GAL; TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) - 15,757 TON; PAVEMENT DENSITY INCENTIVE - 1 LS; PAVEMENT SMOOTHNESS INCENTIVE - 1 LS; GRANULAR BACKFILL - 3,217 TON; GRANULAR FOUNDATION AND/OR BEDDING - 269 TON; 24"-60" CS PIPE APRON - 18 EACH; 24" HPP PIPE SEWER - 290 LF; CLEAN PIPE CULVERT - 714 LF; LINING CULVERT PIPE 24"-60" - 813 LF; RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III & IV - 249 CY; INSTALL TRAFFIC BARRIER DESIGN BULL NOSE - 36 LF; INSTALL ENERGY ABSORBING TERMINAL - 4 EACH; INSTALL GUARDRAIL - 1,549 LF; TRAFFIC CONTROL - 1 LS; SILT FENCE TYPE MS - 28,676 LF; FERTILIZER TYPE 3 - 2,513 LB; ROLLED EROSION PREVENTION CAT. 25 - 7,894 SY; SEED MIXTURE 25-131 & 25-141 - 610 LB; HYDRAULIC STABILIZED FIBER MATRIX - 16,650 LB; SEEDING - 7.18 ACRE; 4" SOLID & BROKEN LINE PAINT - 45,776 LF; and Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Items required for a Complete Project. CR 106 Reconstruction & Bituminous Surfacing MOBILIZATION - 1 LS; REMOVED MAILBOX SUPPORT - 2 EACH; REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS - 134 LF; REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT - 225 SY; GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 - 7,784 SY; COMMON EXCAVATION (P) - 5,183 CY; COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) (P) - 2,619 CY; AGGREGATE SURFING CLASS 2 - 302 TON; DOZER - 5 HOUR; AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5Q & CLASS 5Q MODIFIED - 11,028 TON; FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION - 8,340 SY; TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) - 2,467 TON; PAVEMENT DENSITY INCENTIVE - 1 LS; GRANULAR BACKFILL - 342 TON; GRANULAR FOUNDATION AND/OR BEDDING - 119 TON; 24" RC PIPE APRON - 2 EACH; 18" & 21" SPAN CS SAFETY APRON AND GRATE DESIGN 3128 - 4 EACH; 24" RC PIPE CULVERT - 60 LF; 18" & 21" SPAN CS PIPE CULVERT - 110 LF; RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV - 12 CY; INSTALL MAILBOX SUPPORT - 2 EACH; TRAFFIC CONTROL - 1 LS; SILT FENCE TYPE MS - 1,210 LF; SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER (8") - 760 LF; STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT - 2 EACH; FERTILIZER TYPE 3 - 1,093 LB; SEEDING - 7.18 ACRE; SEED MIXTURE 25-131 & 25-141 - 481 LB; HYDRAULIC STABILIZED FIBER MATRIX - 7,410 LB; ROLLED EROSION PREVENTION CAT. 25 - 3,142 SY; 4" SOLID & BROKEN LINE PAINT - 8,886 LF; and Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Items required for a Complete Project.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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