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Published May 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Winchester, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

Project Overview: Frederick County is soliciting bids from qualified, experienced and licensed companies to provide all labor, equipment, materials, and supervision necessary to replace the 35-ton Rooftop Unit at the Public Safety Building. The County of Frederick, Virginia (the "County") is seeking bids from qualified firms (the "Bidder" or "Contractor") to furnish the goods and/or services described herein, and bids will be received by Missi Neal, Purchasing Manager at the Frederick County Finance Department, 3rd Floor, 107 N. Kent Street, Winchester, Virginia, 22601, through the due date and hour shown above (local prevailing time). SCOPE OF WORK & SPECIFICATIONS A. The scope of this project is to replace the Public Safety Building RTU. This is to be considered a turnkey job including startup of the unit, programming the controls and training with Maintenance staff. B. The specifications for this unit replacement will need to be a Carrier Model- 48ZNB035 or equivalent package rooftop unit (RTU). Please reference Section B - Contract Specific Terms and Conditions, Item #18 for additional information related to Brand Name. 1. Supply Fan Diversified Building Peak Fan Data CFM 9340 External Static Pressure 2.0 IN WG 2. Motor 7.5 HP 460 Volts 3 Phase 60 Hertz 4340 CFM External Static Pressure 1.0 IN WG 3. Return Air Fan Motor Data 6 HP 460 Volts 3 Phase 60 Hertz 4. Minimum Outside Air CFM 3055 Maximum Relief Air CFM as required to maintain positive building pressure. 5. DX Coil Entering Air Temperature degrees Fahrenheit 83.4 DB 67.2 WB Leaving Air Temperature degrees Fahrenheit 52.5 DB 51.2 WB system cooling capacity MBH total 413.4 sensible 290.7 6. Gas Heat total MBH 200.1 7. Power Supply MCA 99.3 MOCP 125 460 volts 3 phase 60 hertz the unit should be provided with a convenience outlet, high efficiency motors, economizer and relief air control, internal vibration isolators for all rotating equipment. Spring vibration isolators for compressors and a minimum of 5- year compressor warranty. 8. Phase failure protection and interface with the building energy management system after shutdown due to abnormal power to RTU (Phase Failure, Low or High Voltage) Unit shall automatically restart upon return to normal power. 9. The design is based on Carrier 48ZNB035 unit. 10. The contractor shall be responsible for disconnecting and removal of the old unit and for proper disposal of the old unit. 11. The contractor will be responsible for making all duct work, electrical wiring, gas piping, control wiring and fire system connections as well as unit startup and operational checks per manufacturer's startup sheet. 12. The contractor shall be responsible for all crane cost and disposal of the old unit. 13. The contractor shall be responsible for permits and inspections that are required by the County. 14. The contractor shall be responsible for checking in and out with the Maintenance Department and upon completion of the job shall provide Frederick County Maintenance Department with all necessary documentation related to the installation and warranty of the unit. Questions: All inquiries and technical questions or comments related to this solicitation shall be directed to Tommy Watring no later than 2:00pm on March 25, 2022. All questions shall be submitted in writing (email is preferred). Telephone inquiries will not be accepted.

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Fire / Police


Public - County


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1080 Coverstone Dr, Winchester, VA

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