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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Nutter Fort, West Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; sidewalk / parking lot; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The approximate quantities of work to be bid upon are described as follows: 1 LS Mobilization/Demobilization, 1 LS Erosion and Sediment Control, 630 LF Remove and Replace Existing 6" PVC w/8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (0'-6'), 25 LF Remove and Replace Existing 6" PVC w/8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (6'-9'), 260 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (0'-6'), 670 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (6'-9'), 280 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (9'-12'), 30 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (12'-15'), 195 LF Remove and Replace Existing 6" TCP w/ 6" Ductile Iron CL-50 Gravity Sewer Pipe (0'-6'), 25 LF Remove and Replace Existing 6" TCP w/ 6" Ductile Iron CL-50 Gravity Sewer Pipe (6'-9'), 2750 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" Ductile Iron CL-50 Gravity Sewer Pipe (0'-6'), 1255 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" Ductile Iron CL-50 Gravity Sewer Pipe (6'-9'), 100 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" Ductile Iron CL-50 Gravity Sewer Pipe (9'-12'), 30 LF Remove and Replace Existing 8" TCP w/ 8" Ductile Iron CL-50 Gravity Sewer Pipe (12'-15'), 310 LF 8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (0'-6'), 60 LF 8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (6'-9'), 25 LF 8" PVC SDR 35 Gravity Sewer Pipe (9'-12'), 185 LF 8" HDPE Storm Pipe (0'-6'), 30 LF 8" HDPE Storm Pipe (6'-9'), 70 LF 12" HDPE Storm Pipe (0'-6'), 25 LF 12" HDPE Storm Pipe (6'-9'), 11 EA Concrete Anchors 30' C/C Spacing, 2855 LF 4" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral Piping, 3 EA 6"x4" DI Wye Service Connection, 100 EA 8"x4" DI Wye Service Connection, 33 EA 8"x4" PVC Wye Service Connection, 136 EA Reconnection of Existing Customer Service including 4" Gravity Line Cleanout, 1 EA 6" Gravity Line Cleanout, 4 EA 8" Gravity Line Cleanout, 2 EA Remove Existing Manhole, 22 EA Remove and Replace existing 48" Concrete Manhole (0-6'), 11 EA New 48" Diameter Concrete Manhole Base, Cone Top, Watertight Frame and Cover, 1 EA New 48" Diameter Concrete Straddle Manhole Base, Cone Top, Watertight Frame and Cover, 55 EA 48" Concrete Manhole Riser Pipe, 2 EA Internal Drop Manhole Connection (2'-6'), 7 EA Tie Into Existing Manhole, Complete, 1 EA Remove and Replace Existing D.I. with New Precast Storm D.I., 3 EA New Precast Storm D.I., 1 EA Tie Existing French Drain System Into New D.I., 1 EA Tie Existing D.I. Into New 8" HDPE Storm Line, 10 EA Test Pit, 5200 LF 2" Curb to Curb HMA Overlay Including Roto-Milling and Pavement Markings, 1 LS 700 Block Maryland Avenue Road Rebuild, 25 LF WVDOH Type "B" W/1.5" HMA Overlay Including Roto-Milling and Pavement Markings, 445 LF Gravel Driveway Repair, 25 LF Sidewalk Repair, 1 AL Relocation of Existing Utilities, 580 LF Clean Existing 21" PVC Sewer, 45 LF Steam Bank Slope Restoration, 1465 LF Restoration. The Work will be substantially completed within 150 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run, and completed and ready for final payment within 180 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. Liquidated damages shall be $1,000/day. Bids Received by contractors that did not attend the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be returned unopened to the Bidders. The Town of Nutter Fort reserves the right to reject any and all Bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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