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Published March 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The prospective Bidder will FURNISH AND INSTALL the following materials: Remove Existing Guide Rail Type 31 Strong Post Guide Rail Terminal Section "Boxing Glove" Extra Steel I-Beam Posts, 6' Long Guide Rail to Bridge Barrier Transition (Typical) Type 31 Strong Post End Treatment "Turndown" Buried-in-Backslope Terminal Single Rail MASH MSKT or Approved Equal W" Guide Rail Element Sections, Type "F" Button Head Post Bolt and Type "G" Button Head Splice Bolt and Offset Brackets, Plastic or Composite, 13 20 EA Terminal Section "Boxing Glove" 14 50 EA Steel I-Beam Posts, 6' long 15 50 EA Steel I-Beam Posts, 8' long Furnish and install" prices shall include mobilization, furnishing all materials necessary for installation (including but not limited to ancillary items such as nuts, bolts, brackets, etc.), equipment, manpower, fuel, demobilization, etc. All contractor costs shall be considered incidental to the work and shall be included in the unit prices. 5. "Furnish material only" prices shall include furnish and delivery of the specified materials to any location within the Municipality of Monroeville. 6. Item 1 shall include removal and proper disposal of existing guide rail (including posts, rail elements, terminal sections, offset brackets, hardware, and all other portions of the existing guide rail system). The removed material becomes the property of the Contractor. The Municipality may accept disposal of any material at our site at the Municipality's sole discretion. 7. Item 2 shall include installation of said guide rail in accordance with Publication 72M latest edition as directed. Necessary terminal/ end treatments, extra posts, etc. shall be bid as separate items as listed in the bid items. When a terminal and/or end treatment is attached the pay length for the Type 31 guide rail shall exclude the length of guide rail necessary to install the terminal and/or end treatment. 8. Item 3 shall consist of furnishing and installing terminal sections in accordance with Bulletin 15 and Publication 408/72M. 9. Item 4 shall consist of extra W6x9 or W6x8.5 by 6' long posts, furnished and installed in accordance with Publication 72M latest edition required to meet specific situations such as transitions or obstructions. 10. Item 5 shall consist of furnishing and installing all components necessary to construct the guide rail to bridge barrier transition (typical) as described in Publication 72M. 11. Item 6 shall consist of furnishing and installing all components necessary to construct the Type 31 Strong Post End Treatment (Turndown) as described in Publication 72M. 12. Item 7 shall consist of furnishing and installing all components necessary to construct the Buried-in-Backslope Terminal Single Rail as described in Publication 72M. 13. Item 8 shall consist of furnishing and installing all components necessary to construct the MASH MSKT in accordance with the manufacturer's installation specifications. Substitutions furnished as "or approved equal" shall mean approved equal as determined by the Municipality. 14. Item 9 shall consist of furnishing various lengths and curvatures of guide rail element in accordance with Bulletin 15 and Publication 408/ 72M as necessary and requested by the Municipality. 15. Item 10 shall consist of furnishing post bolts of suitable length and nuts to secure rail element and offset bracket to post in accordance with Bulletin 15 and Publication 408/72M. 16. Item 11 shall consist of furnishing splice bolts of suitable length and nuts to secure rail elements to each other in accordance with Bulletin 15 and Publication 408/72M. Bid bond or certified check in the amount of ten (10) percent of the total bid is required.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Monroeville, PA

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