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Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Saint Croix Falls, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the construction of a 600-square-foot, one-story above grade municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Work on this contract consists of: 1. Site preparation with a 4' high segmented block retaining wall and steel handrail system. 2. Construction of a 600-sq.-ft. concrete block building to house 4 restrooms and a concession serving space. 3. Plumbing, heating and lighting of said four restrooms. The City will act as the overseeing contractor and individual bids for separate schedules will be permitted. Those schedules are: Schedule A: Site preparation, retaining wall. Schedule B: Footings, building construction, roofing, doors, windows, concrete floors and sidewalks. Schedule C: Heating, electrical, plumbing. A goal is for construction to occur May 15, 2022, through August 15, 2022. The bidder may propose other schedules for consideration with his bid. No proposal will be accepted unless accompanied by a certified check or bid bond equal to at least 5% of the amount bid, payable to the Owner as a guarantee that, if the bid is accepted, the bidder will execute and file the proper contract and bond within 15 days after the award of the contract. This bid equity may be a scanned PDF file if bidding is electronic. If requested after the bid opening, bidders may be required to submit a Bidders Proof of Responsibility in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders will be required to provide performance and payment bonds of 125 percent of bid amount. The City of St. Croix Falls reserves the right to reject all bids, without cause, and accept the bid that is in the best interest of the City of St. Croix Falls




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April 20, 2022

May 15, 2022


To Be Determined, Saint Croix Falls, WI

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