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Published June 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salem, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Scope : The Project involves a remodel/addition of the Central Point Office (Facility 1) and the relocation of the co-located Springfield Area Command and Forensics Laboratory into two new and separate facilities (Facility 2 and Facility 3). This RFP and any resulting Contract are governed by Oregon Law. The Services subject to this RFP are "Related Services" as defined in ORS 279C.100(8). Specific laws and rules that govern the solicitation process are found in Oregon Revised Statues (ORS Chapters 279A and 279C), and Administrative Rules of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services [OAR Chapter 125 Division 246 and (OAR Chapter 125 Division 248, see OAR Chapter137 Division 48)]. The RFP and resulting Contract may be subject to other laws and rules. FACILITY 1 Facility 1 (Central Point Office Renovation and Addition) is located at 4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Central Point, OR 97502. The building is known as the Central Point Office Building which consists of the renovation and addition for an approximately 46,183 sq ft facility [Forensic Lab area 9,649; Medical Examiner Area 11,626; Area Command Area 16,486; current Warehouse Area including addition 8,422]. The preliminary budget for this facility is $20 to $25.5 Million. FACILITY 2 Facility 2 involves the new construction of an approximately 68,641 sq ft Springfield Area Forensics Laboratory & Medical Examiner Office (Forensic Lab Area: 48,016 sq ft and Medical Examiner Area: 20,625 sq ft). The preliminary budget for this facility is $50 to $52.5 million. FACILITY 3 Facility 3 involves the new construction of an approximately 17,176 sq ft Springfield Area Command Office (Command Office: 10,776 sq ft and area and warehouse 6,400 sq ft). The preliminary budget for this facility is $9 to $12 million. The Preliminary Design and Construction Budget for the Project is in the range of $80 - 90 million (Facility 1: $20 to $26 million; Facility 2: $50 to $52.5 million; and Facility 3 $10 to $11.5 million). The Preliminary Project Management Budget for the Project is $1.5 million.




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 16, 2023


Multiple Locations, Salem, OR

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