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Published May 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Lee, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

The Lee Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from Contractors for the ADA Shower Upgrade at the WJ. Brown Memorial Court Development for the Lee Housing Authority in Lee, Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by Roy S. Brown Architects. The Project consists of: The project scope contained in the bidding documents is applicable to the bathroom in four (4) separate units. Scope of work as follows: Replace existing bathtub with new shower pan. Replace existing shower walls and seat Replace bathroom accessories as shown Replace existing plumbing fixtures and trim as shown. Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 44A-J & to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.149 26 to 27H inclusive. General bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Lee Housing Authority. The work is estimated to cost: Seventy-four thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($74,250). The Work of the Contract consists of: 1. The project scope contained in the bidding documents is applicable to the bathroom in four (4) separate units. The applicable units are No. 21,23,25, and 27. 2. Contractors are to field verify all existing conditions and dimensions prior to bidding. Any discrepancies are to be reported to the Architect immediately. 3. Contractors are reminded that not every detail of construction can be shown on the drawings and that not every part of every assembly can be listed in the specifications. The Owner assumes that contractors are experienced tradesman who estimate and supply all the required materials for their trades as having visited the site prior to bidding. 4. Protect all existing finishes to remain during construction. Contractor is responsible for repairing any and all existing finishes damaged during construction to the Architect and Owner's satisfaction. This includes all existing finishes beyond the project areas themselves that are not scheduled to be renovated, such as: all site finishes utilized to access area of work; all existing landscaping; all exterior and interior building finishes along paths oftravel to access work areas. 5. Where existing gypsum wallboard is noted to be patched to match, walls are to be painted in their entirety (floor to ceiling, and corner to corner). Where existing VCT flooring is noted to be patched to match, patch with whole tiles only. 6. All existing bathroom accessories or fixtures noted to be demolished/removed are to be done so in a workmanlike manner and returned to the owner. This includes, but is not limited to: grab bars, towel bars, shower fixtures and controls, soap dishes, etc. see floor plan for locations. Where current tenants do not wish to have new accessories or grab bars installed because it conflicts with their current cabinetry/storage/decorations, the contractor is to provide the scheduled accessories or grab bars to the owner for future installation. A credit will be due the owner for the labor saved. This will be handled on a case by case basis. 8. Replace existing bathtub with new shower pan. Demolish existing ceramic wall tile and gypsum wallboard (up to ceiling) on four walls. Demolish existing ceramic tile built-in shower seat. Build new shower seat and finish with solid surfacing. Finish all shower walls with solid surfacing (up to ceiling). 9. Replace existing shower curtain rod with new. 10. Demolish existing grab bars where noted on drawings and return to Owner. Provide and install new grab bars where noted on drawings. 11. Demolish other existing bathroom accessories where noted on drawings. Provide and install other miscellaneous bathroom accessories as noted on drawings, including but not limited to: towel bars, robe hooks, shampoo shelves, soap dishes, etc. 12. Demolish existing shower head, handheld shower, diverter, temperature controls, secondary hose connection, and return to Owner. Extend water supply lines to adjacent wall for new shower fixtures location. Provide and install new adjustable handheld shower and grab bar, temperature controls, valves, etc. 13. Contractor must provide a detailed schedule prior to starting work for each area adjacent to a building. The schedule shall take into consideration the required 48 Hour Notice that the LHA needs to inform Residents of the commencement of work. RCAT and the LHA shall review the schedule and approve prior to the start of any work. Proposed work not adhering to the 48 hour resident notification rule will not be allowed. 14. Work either shown on the Drawings or included in the specifications unless specifically indicated not to be done. 15. Work outside the Project Site as called for in the Contract Documents and as required for the performance of the Work. 16. Providing and restoring, where appropriate, all temporary facilities. 17. The Contractor shall take special measures to comply with all physical and social distancing and cleaning procedures outlined by State and Federal Governments to limit the spread of COVID-19. COVID-19 prevention plan will be a point of discussion during all Construction Meetings. Special precautions will be discussed during the preconstruction meeting and subsequent construction meetings. The health and safety of the population must be followed at all times

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Residential Subdivision


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155 Marble St, Lee, MA

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