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Site work for a military facility in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Completed plans call for site work for a military facility.

Provide all supervision, labour, materials, supplies, tools, equipment, hoisting, transportation, receiving, handling, storage, quality control, environmental protection, surveying, inspection, monitoring, and all other services necessary for the proper execution of the work. Excavation of approximately 5,525 m3Contaminated Soil as per Drawings and attached Remediation Action Plan (Annex 1) including: 2,325 m3of suspect Canadian Council of Ministers for the Environment (CCME) Residential Land Use (RL-) quality overburden soil to stockpile. 3,000 tonnes of soil with concentrations of lead greater than the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) Industrial Land Use (IL) standards. 3,400 tonnes of soil with concentrations of ethylbenzene, xylenes, petroleum hydrocarbon fraction F2, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE)greater than the CCME IL guidelines. Contractor solely responsible for excavating to Contaminated Material Limits. Excavation Limits on Drawings based on a nominal 1:1 slope for volume estimating purposes only; actual shoring and/or slope requirements responsibility of the Contractor. The topsoil is not to be separated from either the Suspect Quality Overburden or Contaminated Material. Allow access and provide equipment to assist with the sampling characterization of stockpiled overburden to confirm requirements to reuse overburden as backfill or off-Site disposal. Suspect RL- Quality Material to be reused as backfill if it satisfies CCME Residential Land Use guidelines. If these guidelines are exceeded, then the material is must be disposed of at an appropriate Disposal Facility. Provision and operation of contaminated water treatment on-site for groundwater pumped from excavations as required. Transport and Disposal of 3,000 tonnes of soil with concentrations of lead greater than the BC CSR IL standards at a permitted facility approved by the Departmental Representative. Transport and Disposal of 3,400 tonnes of soil with concentrations of ethylbenzene, xylenes, petroleum hydrocarbon fraction F2, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene greater than the CCME CL guidelines at a permitted facility approved by the Departmental Representative. Import, placement, and compaction of 6,400 tonnes of granular backfill material within Excavations 1A, 1B, 2, and 3. Compaction to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density. Placement, and compaction of approximately 2,325 m3 of RL- quality overburden following confirmation characterization within Excavations 1A, 1B, 2, and 3. Surface restoration to pre-excavation conditions including the placement of 0.3 m of topsoil and revegetation. Decommissioning of temporary facilities (including stockpile areas) and demobilization, as applicable. Disposal of Contaminated Soil. All material identified as Contaminated on the Site must be disposed of at a Disposal Facility, including material that has been Treated. Documents can be obtained from




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