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Published May 13, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors will receive sealed bids for "Louis D'Ambrosia Park (LAD) Tennis Court Resurfacing and Mazie B Hall (MBH) Basketball Court Resurfacing & walking path project #TT2022-PW03. The project consists of removing 1 1/2 "of old court surfaces, dispose of milling off site, and replacing with 1 1/2 "new blacktop and removing 1 1/2 "of old walk paths, dispose of milling off site, and replacing with 1 1/2 " new blacktop. Base repair will be evaluated during milling operations. The tennis courts at "LAD" measure 122'x122', approximately 1,654 SY square yards and will require approximately 154 tons of blacktop and a unit price for Type 2 base repair. Hand work removal around nets (1LS) and prep courts with through sweeping 1,654 SY. The basketball courts at "MBH" measure 125'x102', approximately 1,416 SY and will require approximately 132 tons of blacktop and a unit price for Type 2 base repair. The walking path at "MBH" measure 1,120'x5', approximately 622 SY and will require approximately 58 tons of blacktop and a unit price for Type 2 base repair. The dumpster path at "MBH" measure 25'x18', approximately 50 SY and will require approximately 5 tons of blacktop and a unit price for Type 2 base repair Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the total bid. Bonds are issued by surety licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Bids will be reviewed and awarded at the regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting on April 18, 2022. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

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Multiple Locations, Berwyn, PA

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Louis D Ambrosia Park and Mazie B. Hall Park Improvements

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