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Published June 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.
CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 4/5/2022 4:00 PM The Scope of Work under the proposed contract includes mill and overlay of Thomas Street from 8th Street to 9th Street, the replacement of 2 ADA Ramps, the installation of an ADA ramp at an existing ADA parking space, and the installation of select sections of concrete curb as marked in the field, maintenance, and protection of traffic during construction, and other incidental items. The contract work takes place in Borough street right-of-ways, located in Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Bid security shall be submitted with each bid, in form of a certified check or bank draft, payable to the order of the Borough of Stroudsburg, or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable surety, or cash, in an amount equal to 10 percent (10%) of the total amount bid. If providing a Bid Bond, Bidders shall upload a scanned copy of a fully executed bond as part of the online sealed bid submission. After the Bid Opening and upon request by the Owner, Bidder(s) shall provide an original hard copy of the Bid Bond. If providing security in the form of a certified check or bank money order, security must be delivered to the Owner prior to the Bid Opening date and time. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and payment bonds, each in the amount of not less than one-hundred percent (100%) of the awarded contract amount. An acceptable surety company are those included in the latest of the U.S. Treasury Department Circular 570 listings and authorized by the PA Department of insurance to do business in Pennsylvania. The successful bidder shall be required to submit evidence of insurance coverage with an insurance company having an A.M. Best rating of "A-: Class X" or better in accordance with the specifications. The Thomas Street project is funded through the Community Development Block Grant Program and Borough Funds and is subject to all related Federal regulations. Federal prevailing wages established under the Davis-Bacon Act will apply to this contract. The contract documents contain requirements addressing labor wage rates, labor standards, nondiscrimination in hiring practices, goals for minority and female (MBE/WBE) participation, participation by Section 3 residents and businesses, illegal alien employment prohibition, E-verify documentation, and related matters. All contractor and subcontractors working on this project will be required to comply with the participating in state and federally funded contracts. The Monroe County MBE/WBE program has set forth goals of 5% MBE and 3% WBE. Bidders must provide, concurrently with the Bids, Section 3 Utilization and MBE-WBE contacts and commitments. Bidders must certify by signature on the form provided in the Bid Documents that the Bidder has not been and is not presently suspended, debarred, or otherwise precluded by any Federal or State entity from the benefits which may result from obtaining this Contract. The Borough of Stroudsburg reserves the right to waive any defects, errors, omissions, irregularities or informalities in a bid or the bidding procedure and to accept any bid, which it may deem to be for or in the best interest of the Borough, and to reject any or all proposals. The Borough of Stroudsburg does not discriminate based on actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, marital status, mental or physical disability, or the use of a guide or support animal and/or mechanical aids because of physical handicap, sexual orientation, national origin, gender identity or expression, age or familial status. Estimated Project Value: $100,000 - $200,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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Thomas St, Stroudsburg, PA
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