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Published May 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Weston, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 14,000-square-foot educational facility.

Plumbing, HVAC Location- 444 Wellesley Street Weston, MA 02493 The Town of Weston Massachusetts, the Awarding Authority, invites bids for the construction of the partial roof replacement at the Weston High School, more specifically the Wing F roof which measures in at approximately 14,000 SF. MBE/WBE: Combined 10.4 % of the Contract Price. The Contractor shall bring the work to Substantial Completion within 487 calendar days, and to Final Completion within 45 calendar days after Substantial Completion. 1. The Town expects to execute the construction contract by 25 April 2022. 2. The Contractor shall bring the work to Substantial Completion before 25 August 2023 1. The Work consists primarily of roofing replacement with EPDM adhered roofing system over approximately 14,030 sf of flat roof area. 2. The roofing replacement project shall include all miscellaneous work typically associated with roofing replacement projects, including-but-not-limited to the following: repairs of masonry parapets, removal and reinstallation of existing mechanical equipment, raising mechanical curbs to accommodate additional insulation, raising vents-through-the-roof, replacement of existing drains and drain accessories where indicated, and new guardrails where indicated. 3. Installation in the building interior of underdeck insulation in select areas, along with ceiling replacement. 4. Replacement of select mechanical roof top equipment and ductwork, and connecting new equipment to existing controls. 5. Other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. 6. The Work includes selective interior and exterior demolition as required to complete the above work, whether or not such demolition is indicated on drawings. 7. The work shall be performed in accordance with the Consolidated Massachusetts State Building Code, incorporating architectural, accessibility, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection regulations, with which the Contractor shall be familiar. Additional regulatory requirements are referenced in the individual Sections. Bid Results: PLUMBING Araujo Bros Plumbing & Heating, $22,400.00 HVAC Thomas E. Snowden Inc., $397,000.00




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444 Wellesley St, Weston, MA

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