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Published March 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: One Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for Photogrammetric Surveying and related services is being procured in accordance with the Brooks A-E Act as implemented in FAR Subpart 36.6. This solicitation is Small Business Set Aside. North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Code is 541370; size standard = $16.5 M of gross annual revenues per year over the last 3 fiscal years. The top firm will be selected for negotiation based on demonstrated competence and qualifications for the required work. Work will primarily be performed within the boundaries of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Philadelphia District (PA, NJ, NY & DE), but could also include other states and districts covered by the USACE North Atlantic Division's (NAD) mission areas (ME, VT, NH, CT, RI, MA, MD, VA, WV, and the District of Columbia). The contract will be negotiated and awarded with a five-year ordering period. The amount of the contract will not exceed $6,000,000. Individual Task Orders are not expected to exceed $200,000. Work will be issued by negotiated firm-fixed-price task orders. Award of the contract to the selected firm is anticipated in Summer 2022. The minimum guarantee amount over the life of the contract is $10,000. Applicant firm must be registered in SAM. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: The selected firm would be used primarily for photogrammetric mapping, aerial and terrestrial Lidar data collection and processing, hydrographic surveying and establishment of physical survey control, and general surveying. Digital mapping requirements include the production of base mapping depicting all visible physical features, digital elevation models and development of contours from point cloud data, aerial photography, digital database development, and digital orthoimagery. All digital information must be compatible with standard geographic information system (GIS)software and Autocad Civil 3D and other standard geospatial data formats specified in individual task orders. Work will normally be within the geographic boundaries of the Philadelphia District, including but not limited to the Delaware River, Bays and tributaries in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal area of Maryland and the coastal regions of New Jersey and Delaware. Work in other areas of the North Atlantic Division Area of Operations may be required. Work in support of other agencies or USACE elements may be required under this contract. All work shall comply with the ruling jurisdictional regulations and laws to include the requirements for registrations, licenses, and certifications. Certain labor classifications under this contract will fall under the Service Contract Act provisions; information relative to this will be provided after selection and prior to negotiation. Responding firms must be familiar with USACE requirements and regulations. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criteria and then by each sub-criteria). Firms will be evaluated based upon the experience, qualifications, and capabilities of the proposed team (prime and subcontractors) against each of the selection criteria. Specialized Experience and Technical Competence. Firms should demonstrate specialized experience and technical competence in: Land surveying and determination of boundaries between federally and privately owned lands meeting current Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys. Topographic surveying, utilizing state-of-the-art survey methods such as: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)surveys, digital leveling, and terrestrial scanners. Using Computer Aided Design (CAD)& Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software to develop surfaces, contour mapping, and base mapping. Aerial Collection, processing, and creation of bare earth digital elevation model using high resolution (50ppsm+) LiDAR. Aerial Collection and processing of high resolution (ground sample distance of 3") orthoimagery meeting National Spatial Data Accuracy Standards. Subsurface utility engineering surveys Hydrographic surveying to include single beam, multibeam, and side scan sonar. Structural monitoring surveys. Information contained in the SF 330 Part I, Section F will be the primary basis for evaluation against this criteria. On the SF 330, Part I, Block F, up to 10 example projects shall be listed in order of relevance to the type of work anticipated to be performed under this contract. Projects in which the firm's work was completed in the last six (6) years will be given more consideration. Experience working on projects for USACE will be given more consideration when evaluating these criteria. Section H may include supplemental information to the projects listed in section F but only the projects listed in section F shall be considered for this criterion. Professional Qualifications. Identification, qualifications (professional registration/licensure/certification and education) and experience of staff related to the general and photogrammetric experience to accomplish the work specified above. (1) The firm must have on staff (or provide through a consultant[s]) personnel licensed as registered professional land surveyors in each of the five Philadelphia District states (PA, NJ, NY, DE, MD) as specified below. Should any task orders be issued for work in other portions of NAD's mission areas, the firm will need to demonstrate applicable professional registration in those locations within the task order proposal. (2) Resumes demonstrating experience and associated qualifications are required for the following key personnel. The evaluation will consider education, training, registration, certifications, longevity with the firm, and relevant experience of specified personnel performing the role for which they are proposed to be used on the contract. Key Personnel: - Professional Land Surveyor in each state of the Philadelphia Region (minimum 2 resumes)* - ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist - ASPRS Certified Mapping Scientist/Remote Sensing (CMS/RS) and Certified Mapping Scientist/GIS-LIS. CMS/GIS-LIS is preferred. Capacity to Accomplish the Work: The firm must demonstrate the capacity to execute the full value of the contract over the ordering period - accomplishing multiple task orders concurrently while maintaining quality and schedule. A firm shall be evaluated on the available capacity of key personnel from the prime firm and its team. Past Performance. The firm must possess a good record of past performance on contracts with respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules as determined by information pulled from the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS). A Past Performance Questionnaire Provide the CPARS reports, if available, for the projects provided in Section F of the SF330. (NOTE: A CPARS report will not be available if the contractor has not yet completed its portion of the CPARS.) If a CPARS report is not available, the firm shall complete Part I of the Past Performance Questionnaire, send it to the customers for the ten projects to complete Part II of the Past Performance Questionnaire, request that it be returned to the firm, and submit it with the SF330 submission. No sealed envelope is required. A blank Past Performance Questionnaire can be found attached to this synopsis/solicitation. The contractor should provide the full contract number and task order number (if applicable) for any Federal contract listed in Section F of the SF330. The evaluation board may seek information on past performance from other sources, but is not required to seek other information on the past performance of a firm, if none is available from CPARS or if no Past Performance Questionnaire is provided. If little to no relevant past performance data (CPARS reports, Past Performance Questionnaires or information in Section H) is available for the first five projects listed in Section F, the contractor may be given a neutral evaluation regarding past performance. Work Management and Teaming. A proposed management plan shall be presented in Part I, Section H of the SF 330 that references the organization chart provided in Part I, Section D of the SF 330. The plan shall briefly address the firm's management and philosophical approach for executing the work to be performed under this contract and its approach for ensuring the quality of work performed by the firm and their subcontractors. The plan shall include information on quality control procedures, coordination of in-house disciplines and consultants, and relevant experience working with each of the subcontractors on similar projects. Section C, Section F, and Section G will also be used to evaluate this criterion. Knowledge of Locality & Geographic Proximity. Experience in the Philadelphia District Area of Operations as described in Section 1 of the synopsis will be considered. Location of the firm's office(s) as well as those of their team in the general geographical area of the five Philadelphia Area States will be considered as a secondary criteria in the event of a tie between the most highly qualified offerors. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Interested firms able to perform this work must submit Parts I and II of the SF 330 for the prime firm (or joint venture). Part II of the SF 330 must also be submitted for each consultant and if a joint venture, for the joint venture entity. Please note that a separate Part II is required for each branch office of the prime firm and any subcontractors that will have a key role in the proposed contract. If a joint venture is being utilized, a copy of the joint venture agreement must be included in Part II. Submissions must be made via email to: Stephen Kolokithias, Contract Specialist, Stephen.t.kolokithias@usace.army.mil. Please also provide a courtesy copy e-mail to Jamaal.A.Edwards@usace.army.mil NLT 3pm EST on 25 April 2022. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. Include the firm's DUNS number on the SF 330, Part 1, Block B. On the SF 330, Part 1, Block C, provide the DUNS number for each consultant. On the SF 330, Part I, Block F, up to 10 example projects shall be listed in order of relevance to the type of work anticipated to be performed under this contract. Note that multiple projects performed under an IDIQ contract cannot be submitted as a single example project. In the SF 330, Part I, Block F, Box 24, provide the following information for each project: month/year the firm's work started and completed; total contract value of the contract and the value of the work performed by the firm and any team subcontractors to be used on this contract; and customer point-of-contact who can be reached for references (phone number and email address). If a sample project is a federal procurement, include the applicable contract number. In the SF 330, Part I, Section H, provide the firm's proposed Work Management approach for this contract including its approach for ensuring the quality of work performed by its subcontractors. In the SF 330, Part I, Section H, the A-E firm may also provide supplemental information to address all aspects for which Specialized Experience and Technical Competence is being sought as well as documentation to support past performance selection criteria such as copies of applicable certificates and/or awards. The last day to provide questions regarding this synopsis or the submission requirements is NLT 3pm EST on 31 March 2022. The Offeror's response shall be submitted electronically. Files shall not contain classified data. The use of hyperlinks in responses is prohibited. . THE ONLY AUTHORIZED TRANSMISSION METHODS FOR SUBMISSIONS IN RESPONSE TO THIS SYNOPSIS SOLICITATION ARE THROUGH E-MAIL TO Stephen.T.Kolokithias@usace.army.mil. Please also provide a courtesy copy e-mail to Jamaal.A.Edwards@usace.army.mil. NO OTHER TRANSMISSION METHODS (FACSIMILE, REGULAR MAIL, ETC.) WILL BE ACCEPTED. RECEIPT OF SUBMISSIONS: For the purposes of establishing whether a submission is considered late, the government considers the date and time of receipt of the email to the Contract Specialist and/or Contracting Officer. The government will not be responsible for submissions delivered to any location or to anyone other than those designated to receive responses on its behalf. Offerors are responsible for ensuring that responses are submitted to reach the designated recipient. Offerors are responsible for allowing sufficient time for the response to be received in accordance with the instructions provided. The SF 330, Part I, shall have a page limit of 50 pages. A page is one side of an 8 1/2 " x 11" sheet of paper. 11" x 17" (single side) pages may be used to provide graphical information or images that do not fit well on an 8 1/2 " x 11" sheet but this counts as two pages. Front and back cover and section dividers and past performance questionnaires or CPARS reports do not count toward the page limit. Font size shall not be less than 11 font and the margins for pages that supplement the SF 330 forms shall not be less than one inch with the exception that 1/2 inch margins are allowed when using the Standard Form 330. Pages in excess of the page limit will not be evaluated. The Philadelphia District does not retain SF 330 Part IIs on file. All contractors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) to be considered for award. Information regarding registration can be obtained online at www.sam.gov or by telephone at 1-866-606-8220. Effective immediately, the use of DUNS+4 numbers to identify vendors is limited to identifying different SAM records for the same vendor at the same physical location. For any general or administrative questions, contact the Contract Specialist, Stephen Kolokithias, via email at stephen.t.kolokithias@usace.army.mil. Please also provide a courtesy copy e-mail to Jamaal.A.Edwards@usace.army.mil. Solicitation packages are not provided. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. Personal visits for the purpose of discussing this announcement prior to the closing date of this announcement will not be entertained or scheduled. However, questions may be directed to the point of contact for this announcement.



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