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Published March 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Williamsport is putting out a solicitation for REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS from interested A/E firms for NW Levee system cross pipe final design. CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 3/21/2022 11:59 AM Interested firms are strongly encouraged to ask any and all questions for this RFP in the built-in Q&A of PennBid. This RFP is for final design, permitting, and bidding services of 6 of the worst condition cross pipes in the City, to get it through to Construction. A 7th cross pipe may be added, at the discretion of the city. Please reference the 3 attahcments in the documents folder, as you review the information below. he City of Williamsport executed a contract with Wood Engineering in 2019, whereas that firm provided preliminary design services to the city of Williamsport, as described in the 5-page proposal that is enclosed in the documents folder. The work for this contract has finished. This design work included preliminary design and initial plans for 6 of the Worst Condition levee cross pipes in the Citys Levee system. These pipe locations are shown on page 1 of the document attached in the documents folder. Also in the documents folder is a general Plan view of the Citys levee system. The cross-pipe numbers are denoted by red, circled numbers. The preliminary design plans are also enclosed. The selected firm will have access to past design work that has been done, as well as any and all as-built levee plan sets that the City has. Due to the location, depth, and surrounding urban setting it is not anticipated that open-cut excavation will be utilized to repair these pipes. It is anticipated that slip lining the pipes would be preferred. Anticipated task for for proposals could be as follows: Final Design Constructability Review Construction Permitting (with PA DEP and/or Lycoming County Conservation District) Project Bidding and Initial Kick off with Contractor Note that the Selection of the Awarded Firm by the City of Williamsport will be based on Cost AND Qualifications, and a weighted scoring method likely be used to select the winning proposal. Therefore, selection will be based on: Total anticipated cost for design services Qualifications of the A/E firm to perform their work The City is Requesting a Full Scope of Services from interested firms, along with any legal agreements/details required for a successful, executable contract between the firm and the City. There is no formal standalone RFP document(s). This write-up serves as that document. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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March 30, 2023


To Be Determined, Williamsport, PA

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