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Published March 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dillwyn, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

All inquiries for information should be directed to Karen Kelley at 804-886-5691 or at Karen.Kelley@vadoc.virginia.gov I. PURPOSE The purpose of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is to establish a term contract with qualified vendors to provide as described herein, used in the manufacturing of various furniture and metal products in our VCE plants. Virginia Correctional Enterprises (herein after identified as VCE is part of the Department of Corrections), is an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. VCE has manufacturing plants statewide and warehouse/distribution centers located in North Chesterfield, VA. The manufacturing plants, also known as industries, are used in the employment, education, and training opportunities of inmates under state custody. II. SCOPE OF WORK/DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS (SPECIFICATIONS) A. The contractor(s) shall provide metal in various sizes and shapes, in accordance with specifications as listed on the pricing schedule and as out lined below: 1. All items are to be first quality goods only. No seconds will be accepted. 2. Cut lengths of steel sheets shall be uniform in thickness, free from warps, waves, bumps, welds and/or holes. Shall confirm to ASTM 1008 and 1011, except for steel sheets designated for exterior applications shall also be free of blemishes and defects on the finished side. Sheets shall be cut to a tolerance of +/- 1/16" inch. Steel thickness shall not vary by more than +/- 5% of the specified gauge thickness. 3. All sheet metal 12 gauge and under shall be cold rolled with no exceptions. All steel over 12 gauge shall be hot rolled, pickled and oiled (HRPO) to minimize scale and rust. 4. Sheets shall be banded and wrapped on skids, sized to the sheet. Skid shall not exceed 5,000 pounds and designed for pickup by forklift. All sheets 16 gauge or thinner shall be protected on the top and bottom of the stack. There are no exceptions to this requirement. 5. During the term(s), the Contractor(s) are not authorized to substitute any product identified within this IFB without prior consent of a VCE Contract Officer. 6. Contractor(s) shall maintain inventory/stock for items that VCE has classified as "stock" products. Stock inventory levels are based on historical usage and forecasting. Stock levels are estimates and are subject to change. VCE does not guarantee the purchase of any quantities. Items designated as "stock" are noted with an (*) asterisk next to the line item number in the price schedule.


Jails / Prisons

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Dillwyn, VA

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